EAA-PHEV (Electric Auto Association - Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicle)
From Ace Reporter Forbes Bagatelle Black:
Plug-In-Hybrids (PHEVs) are here right now. For ~$3,000, an individual with significant electro-mechanical skills can retrofit a Prius such that it runs in battery-only mode around town.
It is amazing to me how GM manages to convince people that their
"Hy-Wire" concept WILL BE the basis of all the cars driven" in "ten or twenty years." It is also remarkable that GM convinces people hydrogen will come from sea water, when those "in-the-know" understand that today's hydrogen comes from fossil fuels...Enjoy the H-Wire video, but don't believe the hype!
The ten-to-twenty year timeframe for alternative vehicles is fiction created by big oil to keep people driving SUVs as long as possible.
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