What ELSE might they not be telling? Maybe opinions (see next post down) would be different if the truth were more widely known.
White House Suppresses Evidence of Climate Changes?
Jennifer McMahon, January 31, 2007 (
- A group of Scientists are now accusing the Bush administration of hiding evidence of climate changes from the least 150 federal climate scientists have personally experienced political interference...
- Rick Piltz, a former climate change official testified that a Whitehouse aid once edited a report on climate change, and even deleted some sections. Piltz, who co-coordinated and edited reports on climate change, said he resigned from his post in 2005 to protest...
- Chairman for Oversight and Government Reform Center Henry Waxman says everyone has a right to their own views about the seriousness of climate change, but not the right to their own science...
- The Whitehouse has come out swinging against the claims, saying the interference allegations are entirely false and insisting it is focused on making progress with reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
- The testimony comes ahead of the release on Friday of a landmark report on climate change science that will say there is a 90 per cent certainty that human activity is changing the world's climate and temperatures will rise by 3 degrees Celsius by 2100...from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a scientific body convened by the United Nations...on research carried out over six years by more than 2,500 scientists...
Scientists Criticize White House Stance on Climate Change Findings
Cornelia Dean, January 31, 2007 (NY Times)
Warming data allegedly manipulated
William Neikirk, January 31, 2007 (Chicago Tribune)
White House climate documents sought
Richard Simon, January 31, 2007 (LA Times)
Panel Hears Climate 'Spin' Allegations
H. Josef Hebert, January 31, 2007 (AP via UK Guardian)
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