Asia Pacific to Stimulate Strong Year-End Surge in PV Demand; 2H’12 PV Demand to Transition from Major European Countries to APAC and Other Emerging Regions
August 27, 2012 (SolarBuzz)
“PV demand from the Asia Pacific (APAC) region is forecast to grow by 80% Y/Y during 2H’12, driven by Q4’12 demand at the 5.3 GW level…While major European markets have historically fueled strong year-end PV demand, Q4’12 will represent a transition phase within the PV industry, as demand becomes increasingly global and further diversified across new and emerging PV regions…
“Growth across APAC has already provided a significant boost to overall Q2’12 demand. The region showed more than 60% Y/Y growth, reaching 1.4 GW and compensating for the softening in demand across established markets…PV market demand in China grew by over 300% in Q2’12 to reach 0.6 GW…”
“…Combined with the year-end projects planned within China and India, the new Japanese Feed-In Tariff (FIT) program is now setting up Q4’12 as a quarter of potentially massive PV demand pull across the APAC region. Over 50% (or 5.3 GW) of calendar-year 2012 APAC demand is forecast to occur in Q4’12.
“…[This] provides both challenges and risks for module suppliers, balance-of-systems providers, and project developers…[because of] highly-competitive pricing with low-margin returns…[D]elays in project financing could lead to oversupply at year-end…The European PV market grew 32% Y/Y during 1H’12 to 8.5 GW. However, incentive reductions in Germany, Italy, and other major European PV markets continue to erode the demand-share…[Growth opportunities] are forecast to shift to emerging markets…[like] Austria, Denmark, Israel, and various countries in the east and southeast…”
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