NewEnergyNews: QUICK NEWS, January 28: Extreme Weather Is Firing The Climate Fight; The New Energy Policies The Nation Needs/


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    Founding Editor Herman K. Trabish



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    Monday, January 28, 2019

    QUICK NEWS, January 28: Extreme Weather Is Firing The Climate Fight; The New Energy Policies The Nation Needs

    Extreme Weather Is Firing The Climate Fight Most Americans say weather disasters shifted their views on climate change

    Ellen Knickmeyer, Hannah Fingerhut, Emily Swanson, January 22, 2019 (Associated Press via PBS Newshour)

    “…[Views on climate change are shifting as Americans face] record deadly wildfires in California, rainfall by the foot in Houston when Hurricane Harvey hit and the dome of smog over Salt Lake City…[A November 2018 poll finds 74 percent of Americans say extreme weather in the past five years — hurricanes, droughts, floods and heat waves — has influenced their opinions about climate change. That includes half of Americans who say these recent events have influenced their thinking a great deal or a lot…About as many, 71 percent, said the weather they experience daily in their own areas has influenced their thinking about climate change science…The share of Americans who said they think the climate is changing has held roughly steady over the last year — about 7 in 10 Americans think climate change is happening.

    …Among those, 60 percent say climate change is caused mostly or entirely by humans, and another 28 percent think it’s about an equal mix of human activities and natural changes…Overall, 9 percent of Americans said climate change is not happening, and another 19 percent said they were not sure…[P]ersonal observations of real-time natural disasters and the weather around them have more impact than news stories or statements by religious or political leaders…A majority of Americans, 57 percent, would support a proposal that would add a $1 monthly fee to their electricity bills to combat climate change. But most oppose proposals that would increase their own monthly costs by $10 or more…” click here for more

    The New Energy Policies The Nation Needs Advanced Energy Economy Recommends Policy Priorities to 116th Congress

    January 24, 2019 (Advanced Energy Economy)

    “…[The U.S. must focus on] four key priority areas and specific policy actions to help achieve the broad goals of economic growth, cost savings, and a reliable grid…[It must:]…Remove regulatory obstacles for advanced energy, particularly in wholesale markets…Support deep electrification of the transportation system…Accelerate creation of a 21st century electricity system…[and]…Increase market access for corporate buyers…[According to AEE, the] $200 billion advanced energy industry is a strong segment of the American economy, supporting more than 3 million jobs across the country…As the industry continues to grow, there are opportunities to reduce market barriers that prevent advanced energy technologies from deploying fully into the economy

    …Costs have fallen so sharply that in some parts of the country investing in new wind and solar energy projects is more cost-effective than continuing operation (i.e., fuel and maintenance costs) of some traditional generating resources such as coal and nuclear plants…Advanced energy also improves reliability cost-effectively, and provides resilience during extreme weather events. During the 2014 Polar Vortex, extreme cold caused onsite coal piles to freeze, power plant control equipment to fail, and natural gas pipelines to become constrained. But grid operators were able to turn to demand-side resources and wind energy to keep the lights on during the emergency.” click here for more


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