Marine energy sector continues growing worldwide, despite economic setbacks
Michael Harris, April 14, 2015 (HydroWorld)
“…[The] marine and hydrokinetic sector moved closer to commercial viability through 2014…[according to data from 23 member countries in Implementing Agreement on Ocean Energy Systems. Though policy changes, public funding opportunities and projects put into the water worldwide mean the marine and hydrokinetic (MHK) sector continues to expand but] it still faces a number of challenges…A number of European countries -- including Denmark, Norway and Sweden -- have either enacted or are discussing approval processes for sea usage, while the United Kingdom continues to gauge interest in ocean and tidal lagoon projects…[T]he United States is currently considering several pieces of federal legislation that would expedite MHK permitting, and Canadian province Nova Scotia established a feed-in tariff approval process for large-scale tidal projects…Public funding for MHK research and development has also increased in…China, with more than US$128 million supporting over 90 marine energy projects…” click here for more
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