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Renewable energy: Business must see beyond the biofuels bonanza
Chandran Nair, Aust 7, 2007 (Ethical Corporation)
Chandran Nair (Singaporean poet and former UNESCO director/mediator) vs biofuel advocates
Biofuels, if mass-produced, require universal codes of control with enforcement to avoid doing harm in a variety of ways.

- Nair posits the present “craze” for biofuel production will soon exhaust itself.
- 98% of Indonesia’s natural rainforests will be degraded or gone by 2022 (5 years ago forecast was 2032).
The biofuels-growing impetus is especially strong in farming and undeveloped regions where the opportunity to make “energy industry-sized” money is seductive.
- Biomass has a carbon-neutral cycle that the production of biofuels cannot claim. Burning biofuels releases CO2 and methane.
- Biofuels currently require more energy to produce than they provide.
- Clearing forests to grow biofuels destroys carbon sinks, not to mention ecosystems, and is going on a terrifying pace to meet EU goal of 10% biofuels by 2020.
- Result: Malaysian/Indonesian palm oil forests disappearing, Malaysians and Indonesians lacking for palm oil. Mexico: maize price up 6%, soy price up 13%.
Solutions: From Brazil—Set aside sugar for ethanol crop land as reserve. Also: A universal certification of sustainability applying to development for crops in developing nations of Africa, Asia and Latin America, w/participation of agribusiness and energy producers. W/5 provisions—virgin forests off limits, (2) more efficient use of land, (3) better technology, (4) enforcement, (5) organic practices)

- UN report ("Sustainable Bio-energy: A Framework for Decision Makers"): “Where crops are grown for energy purposes the use of large-scale cropping could lead to significant biodiversity loss, soil erosion, and nutrient leaching. Even varied crops could have negative impacts if they replace wild forests or grasslands.”
- Nair: “Tellingly, the UN report concludes that bio-fuels are more effective when used for heating and power, not transport.”
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