All wind energy needs is a level playing field and a little time.
Report: Wind energy demand up; problems hamper industry
C. W. Yant, August 8, 2007 (Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal)
Executive Director Randall Swisher, The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA);

2nd quarter statistics indicate record growth for the wind energy industry this year if problems facing it are met.
Statement on 2006 & 2nd quarter 2007 production made August 8.
2006: new capacity of 2454 megawatts added
2007: new capacity of 3000+ megawatts anticipated
Statement on US wind energy growth in AWEA press release.
2nd quarter new projects: Minnesota, Texas, Illinois, Colorado, Iowa and New York.
- FYI: 1 megawatt serves 250 – 300 homes.
- 2 problems hampering growth:
- (1) Supply chain shortages: Growth is so rapid vendors cannot meed installers’ demands for turbines and everything that makes a turbine into wind energy, from parts to labor.

- (2) Policy uncertainty: Subsidies and incentives drive investors, entrepreneurs and energy consumers to wind. Varying federal, state and local policies complicate investment decisions and are threateningly short-term. A longterm production tax credit and a national renewable portfolio standard requiring every utility to obtain a percent of its electricity from renewables would provide the kind of solid foundation on which to build wind’s huge potential growth.
Swisher: "We're seeing many new wind farms come on line, and very exciting new investment in wind turbine manufacturing, but it's only the tip of the iceberg compared to what needs to happen to meet the increasing demand for wind power."
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