NewEnergyNews: BUSH 41 BUYS WIND/


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    Founding Editor Herman K. Trabish



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    Tuesday, November 27, 2007


    By his own description George H.W. Bush had a problem with “the vison thing” when he was in office - but he’s doing OK now!

    Though some on the left would no doubt accuse the former president of greenwashing, NewEnergyNews prefers to take this as a hopeful sign that Bush 43 will be inclined to back incentives for wind energy in the upcoming energy legislation.

    On the subject of the energy bill, Wall Street rumors about energy package incentives for New Energy drove solar stocks up Monday and Speaker Pelosi told Dow Jones she expects the bill to be finalized this week.

    Ex-president to utilize wind at Walker’s Point; George H.W. Bush decides to have a wind turbine installed for electricity at his Kennebunkport home
    Anne Gleason, November 21, 2007 (Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram)

    Former President George H.W. Bush and wife Barbara; Jim Appleby, personal aide to Bush; Southwest Windpower; Bob Greig, president of All Season Home Improvement Co.; Bruce MacDonald, member, Maine Gov. John Baldacci's wind power task force;

    The Walker's Point bungalow, as seen from the beach. The new turbine is to the left. (click to enlarge)

    The Bushes have installed a “personal” wind turbine at their beachfront home in Maine.

    The Bush home draws little extra power during the winter when the family is not usually in residence but will benefit from the extra electricity during the hot summer months.

    Walker’s Point, Kennebunkport, Maine

    - The former President’s spokesman said the pollution-free, emission-free source of energy was installed for financial and environmental reasons. A representative of Southwest Windpower reportedly convinced Bush 41 to put in the turbine.
    - The Skystream 3.7 1.8 kilowatt turbine installed by All Season Home Improvement Co. is expected to generate 400 kilowatt-hours per month of electricity at average windspeeds of 12 mph. A 33-foot tower was built for the 12-foot, 3-blade rotor.
    - The turbine is grid-tied, feeds unused electricity back in and can draw from local sources when the power supplied from it is inadequate for the home’s needs.
    - The installation is expected to publicize and greatly benefit small wind installations.

    A better view of the Kennebunkport turbine. (click to enlarge)

    - Appleby: "After looking at the specifications, the pros and the cons, [President and Mrs. Bush] decided that they'd give [the wind turbine] a try…"
    - Grieg, the installer: "When [the former President] comes up [after not using power and feeding it into the grid all winter], he should have a substantial credit on his bill to start off the summer…"
    - MacDonald, Maine governor’s wind energy task force: "I think [small wind turbines are] a good thing…It's happening right now. People are looking for alternatives…"


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