Quiz: Which presidential candidate will do more to cut gas pump prices?
Answer: Paris Hilton. After she declared her candidacy, masses lost heart, stayed home and cut oil demand dramatically. (Kidding. About her candidacy’s affect on oil demand. She really did declare her candidacy. See Vote for Paris! Hilton ‘enters’ election race with spoof ad)
In an effort to prevent Hilton from elevating campaign rhetoric too high, Democrats responded to McCain’s TV ad comparing Obama to frivolous celebrities by starting The Next Cheney, a website mockingly comparing McCain’s potential running mates to Vice President Cheney.
Result: Mr. Cheney will not attend the Republican National Convention.
On energy, Senator McCain stresses his intention to make the U.S. independent of foreign oil sources. For the McCain energy plan, see The Lexington Project; Breaking Our Dependence On Foreign Oil
Obama has stressed the potential economic growth that could come from developing New Energy. For the Obama energy plan, see New Energy For America; 5 Million Green Collar Jobs, A Bold New National Goal on Energy Efficiency, American Energy
Gentlemen, any last thoughts?
McCain: "The fact is, we have to drill here and we have to drill now and we have to drill immediately…I believe that it's vital that we move forward with that…Solving our national energy crisis requires an 'all of the above' approach…Senator Obama has said that expanding our nuclear power plants 'doesn't make sense for America.' He also says no to nuclear storage and reprocessing. I couldn't disagree more."
Obama: "That's what he talked about yesterday, 'I want to drill here. I want to drill now,' …I don't know where he was standing. I think he was in a building somewhere. This plan will not lower prices today; it won't lower prices during the next administration."
Hilton: "We can do limited offshore drilling with strict environmental oversight while creating tax incentives to get Detroit making hybrid and electric cars ... Energy crisis solved, I'll see you at the debates, bitches!"

Energy Returns As Major Issue; Obama Links McCain to Administration
Perry Bacon Jr. and Michael D. Shear, August 5, 2008 (Washington Post)
Senators John Mccain (R-Ariz) and Barack Obama (N-Ill), Presidential nominees, U.S.
Obama and McCain continue to debate energy issues on the presidential campaign trail.

The Democratic Convention is August 25-28 in Denver.
The Republican Convention is September 1-4 in Minneapolis.
The election is November 4.
Obama spoke in Ohio. McCain spoke in Michigan.
- Obama is using McCain’s pro-drilling stance to tie him to the Bush administration.
- McCain reminds his audiences he voted against - and Obama voted for - the 2005 energy bill that gave big subsidies to oil companies and is considered by most environmentalists to be a horror of an energy bill.
- Senator McCain’s advocacy for the safety of nuclear energy did not fit well with the visual of the protective gear his tour of the nuclear power plant required him to wear. His nuclear plant visit reminded locals of a near meltdown in the 1970s. It also did not help that he has repeatedly referred to the Navy’s safe use of nuclear energy only to have a nuclear submarine this week report a nuclear fuel leak.
- Senator Obama has been teased by McCain for talking about making cars more efficient by watching the tire pressure and getting tune-ups. Actually, it's good advice.
If an electorate really believes more drilling will affect pump prices, might it actually elect her? From MSNBC via YouTube.
- Obama stump speech excerpts: "[McCain represents] four more years of oil companies calling the shots…after one president in the pocket of the oil companies -- we can't afford another…Remember that when George Bush took office, he had an energy policy, he turned to Dick Cheney and he told Cheney, 'Go take care of this.' …John McCain's taking a page out of the Bush-Cheney playbook."
- McCain stump speech: "I think he might be a little bit confused, because when the energy bill came to the floor of the Senate full of goodies and breaks for the oil companies, I voted against it; Senator Obama voted for it…People care not only what you say, but how you vote."
- Hilton: "Hey America, I'm Paris Hilton and I'm a celebrity too...Only I'm not from the olden days and I'm not promising change like that other guy. I'm just hot!...But then that wrinkly white-haired guy used me in his campaign ad, which I guess means I'm running for president. So thanks for the endorsement white-haired dude, and I want America to know I'm, like, totally ready to lead."
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