Something that almost never happens anymore: Somebody ridiculing somebody for going green or being green or trying to be greener.
Know why?
Because it has become clear green is a very serious matter and even the most frivolous effort deserves respect and encouragement. Gone are the days when a Vice President can sneer at conservation.
Example: In yesterday’s online chat with Alisa Gravitz, Executive Director of Co-Op America, at Greenopolis, a growing online community, a participant asked Gravitz a simple question.
Q: “If you could choose just one "green" thing that you think everyone should be doing, what would it be?”
The answer was the same thing some of the smartest energy gurus in the world, like Amory Lovins of Rocky Mountain Institute and Edward Mazria of architecture 2030, have said, the very thing the outgoing Vice President once sneered at.
A: “The one "green thing" I'd start with is energy efficiency. When you save energy -- you are helping solve the climate crisis, reducing the nasty pollutants made when generating electricity, making your home more comfortable, and saving money…Starting on the energy efficiency path is as easy as turning off lights, air-drying dishes, using powerstrips to turn off your TV/VCR/other appliances when you're not using them (they leak energy even when they're turned off)… at Co-Op America, we're encouraging everyone to cut their energy use in half in 5 years (imagine the huge amount of money you'd save!) -- and we have a very doable plan for it. The people of Juneau, Alaska cut their energy use by 30% in just two weeks this summer ... they had to because an avalanche cut off their power supply. But if they can do 30% in 2 weeks, the rest of us can do 50% in five years! Check out our Efficiency First! plan.”
Green is sophisticated these days. One of the questions in the Greenopolis chat demonstrates just how sophisticated.
Q: “Is zero waste really achievable? I've heard people who both agree and disagree with this theory, but it sounds like zero waste is something that's virtually impossible…”
Ms. Gravitz’s answer is rich with knowledge and understanding.
A: “I think the journey to zero waste is essential. And many agree. For example, the City of Seattle set a zero waste goal. Once you set that goal, you begin seeing new ways of reducing and recycling -- and best of all designing systems and products to avoid waste in the first place.
“The journey and goal is essential -- because of all of the good that will be created -- from better health to more jobs to energy savings (waste and energy are tightly linked) to environmental health.
“I'd say, skip the argument about whether or not it is possible -- since it is an empirical question and no one truly knows -- but that we should all get going on the goal right away.
Gravitz ends her answer with links to some of the seemingly endless resources of Co-Op America like 21 things you didn’t know you could recycle and 9 recylcing quandaries answered.
Gravitz reminded the chat participants that Co-Op America, after working 25 years to create a green economy that has now grown to $360+ billion in responsible products and $2.7 trillion in responsible investments, is changing its name to Green America. When Green America was formed 25 years ago, "green" was an epithet that described money and naïve people. Today it defines a vital part of the solution to one of the world’s most pressing challenges.
Gravtiz: “We provide information for all companies and consumers to take more green steps -- since we are all in this together!”
Gravitz offered some green holiday gift ideas, including (1) A homemade "coupon book" offering free “services”…, (2) a special mix CD with a decorative case, (3) a custom-made picture frame, album or scrapbook, (4) tickets for a special play, concert, ballgame, etc., or (5) a winter “survival kit” with Fair Trade hot cocoa and homemade cookies.
One last, crucial takeaway from the Gravitz chat: “Going green is different, not difficult.”

Making It Easy To Be Green: A conversation with Alisa Gravitz of Co-Op America
December 9, 2008 (Greenopolis)
Alisa Gravitz, Executive Director, Co-Op America; the Greenopolis community (Coop America, Northwest Earth Institute, The Natural Step and other non-profits)
Gravitz held a chat at Greenopolis to celebrate Co-Op America’s name change to Green America and its 25 years of pursing its mission to create a green economy that works for everybody and its joyful work of helping people everywhere green their lives, their work and the world.

- The official date of the name change to Green America January 1, 2009.
- 25 years ago: Co-Op America founded.
- Goal for the next 25 years: Completing the shift to green.
As the name indicates, this is about a U.S. company but Gravitz repeatedly stressed her company acts locally but thinks globally.
- Co-Op America was based on the idea of cooperation, on the idea that people, businesses and investors can work together to move society to a more “just and sustainable” path.
- Before the word "green" came to have its current meaning, “co-op” (i.e., cooperation) was picked to express the shift the group’s founders wanted for the economy.
- The name “co-op” was a mixed blessing. Members and allies understood but others thought of a food co-op.
- The mission was and remains unequivocal and game-changing.
- On Co-Op America labels: (1) For food, the organic label, (2) For products from overseas, the Fair Trade label and the Fair Trade Federation member label, (3) For wood, the FSC label for sustainably harvested wood products
- Co-op America's Green Seal of Approval indicates a companies that has passed a tough screening process.
- General principles of green: (1) Locally made products and local farmer's markets, (2) Reduced or no packaging products, (3) Products that can be returned for 100% recycling, (4) Companies committed to reducing their carbon footprint.
- The Responsible Shopper Guide logs the social and environmental impacts of the most popular brands, and reports if there are greener options.
- Example of green shopping for strawberry jam: 1st option – Organic Valley all organic strawbery jam (Organic Valley is farmer-owned, helps family farmers stay on their land, brings organic produce to market, keeps products regional, etc.; 2nd option – Cascadian Farm all organic strawberry jam – corporate owned (General Mills), not fighting labeling against genetically-modified food; 3rd option – Kraft strawberry jam – corporate, not organic; Kraft, fighting labeling against genetically-modified food. Every step helps.
- If all else fails, ask about green products and request better products.

- Gravitz: “The simple act of asking [for a greener product at a store] makes huge changes…Go local, with less packaging and go with your instinct, if you can't find a label or other indicator. Don't beat yourself up -- keep learning and keep demanding green and there will be more and more green options out there, thanks to your work…”
- Gravitz: “If you work in or run a business (or work in a nonprofit or governmental agency), we encourage you to get your workplace adopting greener practices. A good place to start is at GreenBiz. If you work in or run a business that is truly a green leader -- in the top 10% of all businesses -- we encourage you to apply for Co-op America's Green Seal of Approval…once you pass the screens, you will be able to proudly include it on/in your web site, stores, company reports and marketing materials -- as a company that is truly embracing green. “
- Gravitz: “We are all on this planet together…Even the "dirtiest" companies need to get started because every step in the right direction buys us time for the crucial work of restoring and regenerating the planet.”
- Gravitz:“Have fun going green -- and saving green!”
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