Malaysia Proposes Comprehensive FITs for 2011
Paul Gipe, December 10, 2009 (Wind-Works)
"The government of Malaysia is considering a comprehensive feed-in tariff program…The proposal will be introduced into parliament in 2010 to become part of Malaysia's 10th energy plan covering the period from 2011 to 2015. If passed by parliament, the tariffs will go into effect in early 2011.
"The [proposed] policy…is a true feed-in tariff, or what is called a "gross" feed-in tariff in south Asia. A gross feed-in tariff pays for all the electricity generated as in Germany, France, Spain, Ontario, and Vermont."
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"Like successful policies elsewhere, the Malaysian proposal includes all renewables, differentiates tariffs by technology, and derives the tariffs based on the cost of generation...Returns projected…are 5.1% for building integrated PV, 8.7% for PV on commercial rooftops, and 10.9% for solar PV plants, likely ground-mounted.
"Solar yields in Malaysia range from 1,100 kWh/kWDC/yr to 1,500 kWh/kWDC/yr…"
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"…[T]he feed-in tariff program would add 2% to the average electricity tariff in the country.
"Final tariffs [tranches]…will be differentiated by technology and project size. The [proposals]…Wind: 21 years, ~$0.07-$0.10 USD/kWh …Solar PV: 21 years, ~$0.37-$0.52 USD/kWh …Solid waste and sewage gas: 21 years, ~$0.09-$0.14 USD/kWh …Biomass: 16 years, ~$0.07-$0.10 USD/kWh …Biogas: 16 years, ~$0.08-$0.10 USD/kWh …Geothermal: 21 years, ~$0.08-$0.14 USD/kWh …Minihydro: 21 years, ~$0.07 USD/kWh…"
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