Start the road to 2050 with 30% domestic emission reductions
8 March 2011 (World of Renewables)
"The road to a low carbon economy in 2050…[according to] the European Commission…must start with an immediate increase in the EU's emissions reduction target.
"Moving now to 30% domestic emissions reductions by 2020 (instead of today's 20% target), together with targets for 2030 is necessary to achieve the long-term goals set out in the 2050 roadmap, [EU Energy Policy to 2050; Achieving 80-95% emissions reductions from]
the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA)."
"The existing target is too low to meet the 2050 roadmap goals of limiting the global temperature rise to 2°Celsius and reducing domestic emissions by 80% by 2050…
"The risk of an oil shock this year makes the transition to a low carbon economy even more urgent - and the European Wind Energy Association believes wind energy could meet 50% of Europe's electricity supply by 2050."
"EWEA agrees that the Roadmap's proposal for a 93-99% cut in CO2 emissions in the power sector by 2050 is essential to achieve the 80% reduction in Europe's overall greenhouse gas emissions…
"EWEA urges the European Commission to follow up the Roadmap with specific proposals for EU energy policy post 2020…"
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