Expert: Nuclear Radiation Could Spread Far Beyond Japan
Michael Bowman, March 13, 2011 (Voice of America)
"An American nuclear expert says radiation from Japan could spread across the Pacific and reach the United States if a complete meltdown occurs at a Japanese nuclear facility damaged as a result of last week’s earthquake and subsequent tsunami.
"Nuclear expert Joseph Cirincione of the Ploughshares Fund says Japan’s nuclear crisis is in a critical phase [on the verge of an uncontrollable meltdown]…[T]he Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant on Japan’s northeast coast is one of at least three nuclear facilities at risk."
Those who live near the reactors are being checked for radiation contamination. (click to enlarge)
"Japan has evacuated civilians from areas surrounding the troubled plant, but Cirincione says radiation could spread far beyond Japan if efforts to contain the crisis fail…"
[Joseph Cirincione, nuclear expert, Ploughshares Fund:] "The worst-case scenario is that the fuel rods fuse together - temperatures get so hot that [they] melt together into a radioactive molten mass that busts through the containment mechanisms. So they spew radioactivity into the ground, into the air, into the water. Some of that radioactivity could carry in the atmosphere to the west coast of the United States."
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"Japan’s ambassador in Washington, Ichiro Fujisaki, acknowledged potential dangers, but said no complete nuclear meltdown appears imminent…[T]he head of the U.S. Nuclear Energy Institute, Marvin Furtel…praised Japan’s response to the nuclear crisis…[and] said a meltdown at a nuclear power plant does not always result in a massive release of radiation…At Three Mile Island…about half of the core melted…[but] resulted in no [radiation] releases off-site…[because safety systems…[and] containment…[kept] the reactor under control…
"Some U.S. legislators are suggesting heightened scrutiny of America’s nuclear energy program in the wake of Japan’s crisis. Independent Democratic Senator Joe Lieberman says new nuclear facility construction should be placed on hold pending a full assessment of potential risks. But the Senate’s top Republican, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, says it would be a mistake to make domestic energy decisions based on fears [from the Japan quake]…"
Majority of Western Voters Believe Environmental Protections, Strong Economy Can Co-Exist; First-ever “Conservation in the West Survey” measures voters’ environmental attitudes in Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming
February 23, 2011 (Colorado College State of the Rockies Project and pollster partners)
"A new bi-partisan poll of inter-mountain West voters shows that a strong majority (77 percent) believe that environmental standards and a strong economy can coexist.
"The findings, from the first-ever Conservation in the West Survey, reveal differences and many points of agreement among voters on issues such as conservation, regulations, renewable energy and other environmental issues."
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"The poll, conducted by Lori Weigel at Public Opinion Strategies (a Republican firm) and Dave Metz at Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Associates (a Democratic firm), measured environmental attitudes of 2,200 voters in the five Western states January 23-27, 2011. The survey is being released by the Colorado College State of the Rockies Project, which, for the past eight years, has worked to increase public understanding of vital issues affecting the Rockies…"
[Walt Hecox, professor, Colorado College/director, State of the Rockies Project:] “…While there are differences of opinion on a range of issues, there are true common values shared between each state, including a commitment to protect the important natural resources that make this region so unique.”
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"According to the results, voters indicate more positive impressions of solar and wind power as energy sources than they do for coal or oil…"
[Walt Hecox, professor, Colorado College/director, State of the Rockies Project:] “Particularly interesting is the emergence of renewable energy sources – such as solar and wind power – as a much more attractive option over traditional fossil fuels…Voters see renewable energy as producing jobs, and they have ambitious goals for using more of these sources to supply their states’ overall energy needs.”
Wind is delivering economic benefits to B.C.
Robert Hornung, March 9, 2011 (Vancouver Sun)
"…[British Columbia’s] introduction of the Clean Energy Act reflects the province's strong support for investment in a clean, renewable and low-impact electricity system…[W]ind energy proved its viability in the British Columbia market through BC Hydro's 2010 competitive call for clean power, with contracts for six projects totalling 534 MW of capacity. This new capacity will build on the $1.7 billion in new investment and 690 MW of new wind energy capacity installed across Canada in 2010.
"Wind energy in Canada has increased almost tenfold in the last six years as governments seek ways to meet rising energy demand, reduce the environmental impacts of electricity generation and stimulate rural and industrial economic development. Canada's total installed wind energy capacity is now 4,008 MW, which is enough to provide electricity that would meet the needs of more than 1.2 million homes."
Canada's wind riches (click to enlarge)
"Ontario is the current provincial leader with roughly one-third of the county's wind energy development. Alberta and Quebec combined follow with approximately another third of capacity and the remaining seven provinces share the rest.
"Policy development in all provinces is feeding this rapid growth. In 2009, the Ontario government introduced Ontario's new Feed-in Tariff (FiT) program under the Green Energy and Economy Act, the first of its kind in North America. Nova Scotia's new energy policy, released in 2010, creates a mandatory target…At the close of 2010, Hydro-Quebec announced the results of a unique tendering process for 500 MW of wind energy from first nations and regional municipalities that will help meet Quebec's ambitious objective of 4,000 MW of wind energy by 2015…"
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"The prospects for Canada's wind energy industry over the next few years are very promising and Canada is still only scratching the surface of its enormous wind energy potential and the economic benefits that will result…[P]olicymakers must ensure electricity markets incorporate the costs of environmental impacts from all sources…establish long-term targets and stable and sustained policies…and facilitate the planning and build out of "wind friendly" transmission…
"With more than 1,000 MW likely to be installed in 2011, a record year is likely…[E]ach 1,000 MW of new wind energy creates about $2.75 billion in private sector investment, about 1,000 jobs and enough clean electricity to power more than 300,000 homes. It also can generate more than $3 million per year in lease payments to farmers and other land owners, and more than $3 million per year in new tax revenues for municipalities."
Choosing The Right Clean Energy Mutual Fund or ETF
Tom Konrad, March 5, 2011 (Alt/Energy Stocks)
"If you want to invest in renewable energy and energy efficiency with just one fund, this is what you need to know…[A] clean energy fund is one that primarily invests in companies involved in renewable energy, energy efficiency and conservation, efficient and alternative fuel vehicles, and companies that are part of the supply chain for any of the above sectors.
"Many of the mutual funds I looked at also invest in environmental services/waste management, recycling, water, and natural gas utilities. Waste management, recycling, and water each fit rather well…Municipal solid waste is an excellent source of renewable biomass, recycling saves energy…and water is inextricably linked to energy… [S]ome of the mutual funds I looked at include natural gas companies…[If you want] nuclear power, you might consider…adding a nuclear ETF…"
the Gabelli SRI Green Fund class AAA (SRIGX) (click to enlarge)
"This article is intended to condense the information from my previous series in a useful fashion…[T]he original articles…Costs of Clean Energy Mutual Funds…Sector Breakdown of Clean Energy Mutual Funds…Past Performance of Clean Energy Mutual Funds…Stock Picks from Clean Energy Mutual Funds…The Effectiveness of Active Management in Clean Energy…Interview with the Manager of the Top Performing Clean Energy Mutual Fund…Clean Energy ETFs in Depth…[and] Clean Energy Mutual Fund and ETF Tax Efficiency [are linked on this page]…
"The major factors to consider when selecting a clean energy fund are…[1] Which fund is likely to produce the best performance? …[and, 2] Given my intended holding period and investment size, how much will the costs reduce the fund's performance?…"
click thru for interactive charts
"…The best performing fund by far was the Gabelli SRI Green Fund class AAA (SRIGX)…I generally take statistical analysis with a healthy dose of skepticism…[It] can tell us what has already happened, but unless we know why it happened, we can't know if the performance will persist…For an investor who wants a clean energy fund, and who agrees that a superior manager has the opportunity in this young and frequently misunderstood sector to produce superior results, the Gabelli SRI Green Fund is the clear choice based on a track record that is much better than any other fund. This choice should be re-assessed after two to three years…
"Many investors will find a 2.01% expense ratio hard to stomach. For them, ETFs are the best choice…[T]he Powershares Wilderhill Clean Energy Index (PBW) stands out as the lowest cost for short term (less than 1 year) investors…For longer holding periods, my top choice is probably the Powershares Cleantech Portfolio (PZD), because it has what I consider to be the best allocation between clean energy sectors…"
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