Dangerous Radiation Levels Reported at Japan's Stricken Nuclear Plant
15 March 2011 (Voice of America)
"Japanese officials say radiation levels have reached dangerous levels around an earthquake-damaged nuclear plant after a fire broke out in a storage pond holding used nuclear fuel rods…Prime Minister Naoto Kan said the radiation level is ‘very high’ and that there is a high risk of more radiation escaping. Anyone living within 30 kilometers of the troubled Fukushima nuclear plant has been urged to remain indoors…Increased radiation has been detected as far away Tokyo, about 240 kilometers to the south…
"…[The nuclear plant] fire was the latest setback for operators of the Fukushima nuclear plant, which suffered a failure of its cooling systems following the earthquake and tsunami. Three other units have already suffered explosions which destroyed the outer buildings housing the reactors…"
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"The International Atomic Energy Agency said it was informed by Japanese authorities that the fire took place at a storage pond for spent fuel rods at the plant's number 4 unit, and that radioactivity was released directly into the atmosphere at dose rates equivalent to 4,000 chest X-rays every hour.
"All non-essential staff were evacuated from the plant before the fire was extinguished shortly before noon local time. Only a skeleton staff was retained to keep pumping seawater into three damaged reactors to try to keep the fuel rods from melting down with potentially catastrophic consequences."
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"Concern is particularly high regarding the plant's number 2 unit, where officials say coolant boiled away faster than it could be replaced…leaving the fuel rods exposed to the air at least twice. That permits the rods to become extremely hot and begin melting, with the risk of damaging the surrounding containment chamber that keeps deadly radiation from escaping into the environment.
"Forecasts called for winds from the northeast…which would blow any radiation in the direction of Tokyo. The winds were expected to shift later to the west and blow out to sea…"
2010 revenues generated by renewable energy – US$60.2bn in the US
Carmel Doyle, 9 March 2011 (Silicon Republic)
"…[A new report] says that to optimise smart grid potential in the US, more renewable resources need to be tapped into for electricity generation, with new renewable technology market opportunities abounding.
"…[Renewable Energy & the Smart Grid from Zpryme and ICP] looks at the smart grid spectrum and how it can add intelligence and next-gen capabilities to the energy ecosystem, while it also examines the outlook for the renewable technology market in the US over the coming years, specifically delving into five renewable energy areas: wind, solar, hydro, biomass and geothermal…"
click thru for a complete presentation
"With renewable energy projected to increase by 40.4pc between now and 2015 in the US, the report has identified that renewable energy contributed 462bn kilowatt-hours (kWh) of the total 4,030bn kWh generated by all fuel sources that included coal, petroleum, natural gas, nuclear and renewable energy in 2010…[and projects] that 2010 revenues generated by renewable energy will be $60.2bn, which is 16.9pc of the total…[By 2015, that is projected to grow] to US$87.3bn, capturing 21.8pc with a 7.7pc compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for revenues from renewable electricity generation…
"Comparing solar, wind and conventional hydro power to strategic business units (SBU) of a corporation, the report makes the analogy that, right now, solar would be a question mark, wind would a rising star and conventional hydro power would be a cash cow…[The report shows] how grid-tied systems around the US are growing at a faster rate than that of off-grid systems, which they say should provide a market opportunity, even though the US still lags behind Europe in on-grid systems…"
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"According to the report…The US renewable energy manufacturing, equipment and technology market is projected to reach US$127.5bn in 2010, and to reach US$263.2bn in 2015 with a CAGR of 15.3pc…The photovoltaic (PV) market will continue to be dominated by crystalline silicon technology, but thin film and concentrating solar power (CSP) will continue to gain in market share…The lion‘s share of wind energy will continue being onshore…[but] offshore wind technology is making huge strides in Europe…[and] spurring more interest…in the US…[and] if the federal government offered more generous incentives in the US, there would be a multiplier effect on the renewable energy market…"
[Report authors Jon Arnold (ICP Strategies) and Jason Rodriguez and Mark Gomez (Zpryme):] “Our view is that the US renewable energy market faces significant structural barriers, but by borrowing best practices from industries such as telecom, there are promising near-term opportunities for utilities that are prepared to take a more market-centric approach to their business…To optimise the benefits of the smart grid in the US, more renewable resources need to be tapped for electricity generation…”
ACORE Releases Updated Report On Renewable Energy For 2011
9 March 2011 (North American Windpower)
"The American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE) has released the 2011 update and redesign of its Renewable Energy in America: Markets, Economic Development and Policy in the 50 States report as an online resource.
"Compiling updated financial, market, resource potential and policy information in a single resource, the report is intended…for those who are interested in the highlights of the renewable energy sector…"
click thru to the interactive map
"The report shows that in 2010, the total [U.S.] installed base of new renewable electricity exceeded 50 GW…Texas, California and Iowa led in renewable energy generation capacity, while Iowa, Nebraska and Illinois led in renewable fuels…
"With its ongoing development of diverse renewable energy sources, California saw the most value from disclosed asset finance transactions over the past two years for newly built projects."
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"Meanwhile, Washington surpassed California as the state with the most venture capital and private-equity investment over the past two years, funding early-stage technologies and companies.
"State-level policy commitments remained strong…36 states and Washington, D.C., have state-run renewable portfolio standards…17 states and Washington, D.C., [provide] state funds…"
Midwest ISO Says Brookings Line Set To Receive MVP Designation
Angela Beniwal, 10 March 2011 (North American Windpower)
"The Brookings County-Hampton transmission line, a section of the proposed CapX2020 project, could receive a multi-value project (MVP) designation by the Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator (Midwest ISO) as early as this summer, giving wind projects a much-needed boost.
"MVP projects must support public-policy requirements or address reliability and/or multiple economic issues in multiple transmission zones. An MVP designation means that the project would be able to take advantage of the cost-allocation method of payment, which was approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in December 2010…[allowing] 100% of the cost of developing the transmission [to] be spread across the entire Midwest ISO footprint…"
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"The Brookings line is currently being evaluated by the Midwest ISO as a part of the organization's ongoing 2011 Candidate MVP Portfolio study…[A] June approval [is] probable…"
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"Areas of the Midwest are reaching a saturation point in terms of transmission capacity, but the proposed CapX2020 (short for “capacity expansion by 2020”) might be able to provide some relief. The goal of this project is to boost grid reliability and ease congestion.
"CapX2020, which is being developed by 11 transmission-owning utilities in Minnesota, including Xcel Energy, plans to add lines over the next 20 years. The project includes four segments, but it is the 240-mile, 345 kV line between Brookings County, S.D., and Hampton, Minn., that will benefit wind development the most because it includes 19 wind projects from 14 developers…"
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