UN calls for universal access to renewable energy; UN's annual Human Development Report backs drive towards sustainable energy for all and says empowering women will help to meet world's environmental challenges
Mark Tran 2 November 2011 (UK Guardian)
"The UN has called for a high-profile initiative to promote universal access to power such as electricity in developing countries based on a global advocacy campaign and investments on the ground for clean energy. [Estimates of total annual mitigation and adaptation costs by 2030 range from $249bn to $1,371bn, amounts below current spending on defence, on recent banking bailouts and on ‘perverse’ subsidies]…
"In its annual Human Development Report, the UN Development Progamme (UNDP) said the time is right for such a drive as the UN has designated 2012 as the international year of sustainable energy for all. Meanwhile, next year's Rio+20 Earth summit will provide an opportunity to define a global approach for universal access to energy – about 1.5 billion people worldwide, more than one in five, lack electricity…"

"…Sustainability and Equity…focuses on environmental degradation and its potential impact on human development. Environmental trends over recent decades show deterioration on several fronts, the report says, with adverse repercussions for human development…especially for the millions of people who depend directly on natural resources for their livelihoods.
"The report looks at the national rankings of the UNDP's human development index [covering 100 countries], which combines measures of health, education and income. Norway, Australia and the Netherlands lead the world in the 2011 ranking, with the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Niger and Burundi the least developed. Cuba shows the greatest rise in the rankings and Kuwait the greatest fall…The report puts particular emphasis on the need to empower women as a way of meeting the world's environmental challenges…"
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