Wildlife Conservation and Solar Energy Development in the Desert Southwest, United States
Jeffrey E. Lovich and Joshua R. Ennen, December 2011 (BioScience/University of California)
Large areas of public land are currently being permitted or evaluated for utility-scale solar energy development (USSED) in the southwestern United States, including areas with high biodiversity and protected species. However, peer-reviewed studies of the effects of USSED on wildlife are lacking. The potential effects of the construction and the eventual decommissioning of solar energy facilities include the direct mortality of wildlife; environmental impacts of fugitive dust and dust suppressants; destruction and modification of habitat, including the impacts of roads; and off-site impacts related to construction material acquisition, processing, and transportation. The potential effects of the operation and maintenance of the facilities include habitat fragmentation and barriers to gene flow, increased noise, electromagnetic field generation, microclimate alteration, pollution, water consumption, and fire. Facility design effects, the efficacy of site-selection criteria, and the cumulative effects of USSED on regional wildlife populations are unknown. Currently available peer-reviewed data are insufficient to allow a rigorous assessment of the impact of USSED on wildlife.
The United States is poised to develop new renewable energy facilities at an unprecedented rate, including in potentially large areas of public land in the Southwest. This quantum leap is driven by escalating costs and demand for traditional energy sources from fossil fuels and by concerns over global climate change. Attention is focused largely on renewable forms of energy, especially solar energy. The potential for utility-scale solar energy development (USSED) and operation (USSEDO) is particularly high in the southwestern United States, where solar energy potential is high (USDOI and USDOE 2011a) and is already being harnessed in some areas. However, the potential for USSEDO conflicts with natural resources, especially wildlife, is also high, given the exceptional biodiversity (Mittermeier et al. 2002) and sensitivity (Lovich and Bainbridge 1999) of arid Southwest ecosystems, especially the Mojave (Randall et al. 2010) and Sonoran Deserts, which are already stressed by climate and human changes (CBI 2010). In addition, the desert Southwest is identified as a “hotspot” for threatened and endangered species in the United States (Flather et al. 1998). For these reasons, planning efforts should consider ways to minimize USSEDO impacts on wildlife (CBI 2010). Paradoxically, the implementation of large-scale solar energy development as an “environmentally friendly” alternative to conventional energy sources may actually increase environmental degradation on a local and on a regional scale (Bezdek 1993, Abbasi and Abbasi 2000) with concomitant negative effects on wildlife.
A logical first step in evaluating the effects of USSEDO on wildlife is to assess the existing scientific knowledge. As renewable energy development proceeds rapidly worldwide, information is slowly accumulating on the effects of USSEDO on the environment (for reviews, see Harte and Jassby 1978, Pimentel et al. 1994, Abbasi and
Abbasi 2000). Gill (2005) noted that although the number of peer-reviewed publications on renewable energy has increased dramatically since 1991, only 7.6% of all publications on the topic covered environmental impacts, only 4.0% included discussions of ecological implications, and less than 1.0% contained information on environmental risks. A great deal of information on USSEDO exists in environmental compliance documents and other unpublished, non-peer-reviewed “gray” literature sources. Published scientific information on the effects on wildlife of any form of renewable energy development, including that of wind energy, is scant (Kuvlesky et al. 2007). The vast majority of the published research on wildlife and renewable energy development has been focused on the effects of wind energy development on birds (Drewitt and Langston 2006) and bats (Kunz et al. 2007) because of their sensitivity to aerial impacts. In contrast, almost no information is available on the effects of solar energy development on wildlife.
From a conservation standpoint, one of the most important species in the desert Southwest is Agassiz’s desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii; figure 1). Distributed north and west of the Colorado River, the species was listed as threatened under the US Endangered Species Act in 1990. Because of its protected status, Agassiz’s desert tortoise acts as an “umbrella species,” extending protection to other plants and animals within its range (Tracy and Brussard, 1994). The newly described Morafka’s desert tortoise (Gopherus morafkai; Murphy et al. 2011) is another species of significant conservation concern in the desert Southwest, found east of the Colorado River. Both tortoises are important as ecological engineers who construct burrows that provide shelter to many other animal species, which allows them to escape the temperature extremes of the desert (Ernst and Lovich 2009). The importance of these tortoises is thus greatly disproportionate to their intrinsic value as species. By virtue of their protected status, Agassiz’s desert tortoises have a significant impact on regulatory issues in the listed portion of their range, yet little is known about the effects of USSEDO on the species, even a quarter century after the recognition of that deficiency (Pearson 1986). Large areas of habitat occupied by Agassiz’s desert tortoise in particular have potential for development of USSED (figure 2).
In this article, we review the state of knowledge about the known and potential effects, both direct and indirect, of USSEDO on wildlife (table 1). Our review is based on information published primarily in peer-reviewed scientific journals for both energy and wildlife professionals. Agassiz’s desert tortoise is periodically highlighted in our review because of its protected status, wide distribution in areas considered for USSEDO in the desert Southwest, and well studied status (Ernst and Lovich 2009). In addition, we identify gaps in our understanding of the effects of USSEDO on wildlife and suggest questions that will guide future research toward a goal of mitigating or minimizing the negative effects on wildlife.
Background on proposed energy-development potential in the southwestern United States
The blueprint for evaluating and permitting the development of solar energy on public land in the region, as is required under the US National Environmental Policy Act (USEPA 2010), began in a draft environmental impact statement (EIS) prepared by two federal agencies (USDOI and USDOE 2011a). The purpose of the EIS is to “develop a
new Solar Energy Program to further support utility-scale solar energy development on BLM [US Bureau of Land Management] -administered lands… and to ensure consistent application of measures to avoid, minimize, or mitigate the adverse impacts of such development” (p. ES-2). As of February 2010, the BLM had 127 active applications for solar facilities on lands that the BLM administers. According to USDOI and USDOE (2011a), all of the BLM-administered land in six states (California, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, and Colorado) was considered initially, for a total of 178 million hectares (ha). Not all of that land is compatible with solar energy development, so three alternative configurations are listed by USDOI and USDOI (2011a) for consideration, ranging from 274,244 to 39,972,558 ha. The larger figure is listed under the no action alternative where BLM would continue to use existing policy and guidance to evaluate applications. Of the area being considered under the two action alternatives, approximately 9 million ha meet the criteria established under the BLM’s preferred action alternative to support solar development. Twenty-five criteria were used to exclude certain areas of public land from solar development and include environmental, social, and economic factors. The preferred alternative also included the identification of proposed solar energy zones (SEZs), defined as “area[s] with few impediments to utility-scale production of solar energy” (USDOI and USDOE 2011a, p. ES-7). By themselves, these SEZs constitute the non preferred action alternative of 274,244 ha listed above. Maps of SEZs are available at
Several sensitive, threatened, or endangered species are being considered within the EIS, but Agassiz’s desert tortoise is one of only four species noted whose very presence at a site may be sufficient to exclude USSED in special cases (see table ES.2-2 in USDOI and USDOE 2011a). The potential effects of USSEDO are not trivial for tortoises or other wildlife species. Within the area covered in the draft EIS by USDOI and USDOE (2011a), it is estimated that approximately 161,943 ha of Agassiz’s desert tortoise habitat will be directly affected. However, when including direct and indirect impacts on habitat (excluding transmission lines and roads that would add additional impacts; see Lovich and Bainbridge 1999, Kristan and Boarman 2007), it is estimated that approximately 769,230 ha will be affected. Some SEZs are adjacent to critical habitat designated for the recovery of Agassiz’s desert tortoise, and this proximity is considered part of the indirect impacts.
On 28 October 2011, while this paper was in press, the BLM and US Department of energy released a supplement to the EIS (USDOI and USDOE 2011b, 2011c) after receiving more than 80,500 comments. The no action alternative remains the same as in the EIS. The new preferred alternative (slightly reduced to 8,225,179 ha as the modified program alternative) eliminates or adjusts SEZs (now reduced to 115,335 ha in 17 zones as the modified SEZ alternative) to ensure that they are not in high-conflict areas and provides incentives for their use. The new plan also proposes a process to accommodate additional solar energy development outside of SEZs and to revisit ongoing state-based planning efforts to allow consideration of additional SEZs in the future.
The impacts of USSED on wildlife: Effects due to construction and decommissioning...Dust and dust suppressants…Mortality of wildlife…Destruction and modification of wildlife habitat…The impacts of roads…Off-site impacts…The impacts of USSED on wildlife: Effects due to operation and maintenance…Habitat fragmentation…Noise effects…Electromagnetic field generation…Microclimate effects…Pollutants from spills…
Water consumption (wet-cooled solar).
The southwestern United States is a water-poor region, and water use is highly regulated throughout the area. Because of this water limitation, the type of cooling systems installed at solar facilities is limited as well. For example, a once-through cooling system—a form of wet cooling—is generally not feasible in arid environments, because there are few permanent bodies of water (i.e., rivers, oceans, and lakes) from which to draw cool water and then into which to release hot water. Likewise, other wet-cooling options, such as recirculating systems and hybrid systems, are becoming less popular because of water shortage issues in the arid region. Therefore, the popularity of the less-efficient and less-economical dry-cooling systems is increasing on public lands. Water will also be needed at solar facilities to periodically wash dust from the mirrors or panels. Although there are numerous reports in which the costs and benefits were compared both environmentally and economically (EPRI 2002, Khalil et al. 2006) between wet- and dry-cooled solar facilities, to our knowledge no one has actually quantified the effects of water use and consumption on desert wildlife in relation to the operation of these facilities.
Fire risks…Light pollution…Unanswered questions and research needs…Before-and-after studies…What are the cumulative effects of large numbers of dispersed or concentrated energy facilities? ... What density or design of development maximizes energy benefits while minimizing negative effects on wildlife? … What are the best sites for energy farms with respect to the needs of wildlife? ... Can the impacts of solar energy development on wildlife be mitigated? …
All energy production has associated social and environmental costs (Budnitz and Holdren 1976, Bezdek 1993). In their review of the adverse environmental effects of renewable energy development, Abbasi and Abbasi (2000) stated that “renewable energy sources are not the panacea they are popularly perceived to be; indeed, in some cases, their adverse environmental impacts can be as strongly negative as the impacts of conventional energy sources” (p. 121). Therefore, responsible, efficient energy production requires both the minimization of environmental costs and the maximization of benefits to society—factors that are not mutually exclusive. Stevens and colleagues (1991) and Martín-López and colleagues (2008) suggested that the analyses of costs and benefits should include both wildlife use and existence values. On the basis of our review of the existing peer-reviewed scientific literature, it appears that insufficient evidence is available to determine whether solar energy development, as it is envisioned for the desert Southwest, is compatible with wildlife conservation. This is especially true for threatened species such as Agassiz’s desert tortoise. The many other unanswered questions that remain after reviewing the available evidence provide opportunities for future research, as was outlined above.
The shift toward renewable energy is widely perceived by the public as a “green movement” intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and acid rain and to curb global climate change (Abbasi and Abbasi 2000). However, as was noted by Harte and Jassby (1978), just because an energy technology is simple, thermodynamically optimal, renewable, or inexpensive does not mean that it will be benign from an ecological perspective. The issue of wildlife impacts is much more complex than is widely appreciated, especially when the various scales of impact (e.g., local, regional, global) are considered. Our analysis shows that, on a local scale, so little is known about the effects USSEDO on wildlife that extrapolation to larger scales with any degree of confidence is currently limited by an inadequate amount of scientific data. Therefore, without additional research to fill the significant information void, accurate assessment of the potential impacts of solar energy development on wildlife is largely theoretical but needs to be empirical and well-founded on supporting science…
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