Survey: Americans Not Warming Up to Nuclear Power One Year After Fukushima
March 7, 2012 (Civil Society Institute)
"One year after the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear reactors in Japan, Americans continue to want to keep the brakes on more nuclear power in the United States, according to a major new ORC International survey conducted for the nonprofit and nonpartisan Civil Society Institute (CSI).
"…57 percent [of Americans] are less supportive of expanding nuclear power in the United States than they were before the Japanese reactor crisis…[nearly identical to] the 58 percent who responded the same way when asked the same question one year ago…[P]re-Fukushima surveys by Gallup and other organizations [showed] a 60 percent support level for nuclear power."

"…77 percent [of Americans] say they are now more supportive…[than a year ago to New Energy] - such as wind and solar - and increased energy efficiency as an alternative to more nuclear power…77 percent would support…[shifting] federal loan-guarantee support for energy away from nuclear…in favor of wind and solar power…
"…61 percent [of Americans] said they were less supportive of nuclear power as a result of reports in the U.S. during 2011 and so far in 2012 of nuclear reactors that had to be shut down due such factors as natural disasters, equipment failure and radioactive leaks…[and] 65 percent of Americans now say they would oppose…a new nuclear reactor within 50 miles of [their] home…"
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