Alstom Awarded Contract For Massive Offshore Transmission Project
26 February 2013 (North American Windpower)
“Transmission system operator TenneT has awarded a contract to Alstom for the DolWin3 offshore transmission project, which connects several North Sea wind farms [worth more than 1 billion euros] to the mainland electric grid…The project will use [highvoltage (HV)] direct-current (DC) technology to deliver the energy generated at sea down an 83 km sea cable to the mainland [where a 79 km underground will take it to Lower Saxony, Germany]...
“…[Alstom will supply and construct both the onshore and offshore converter stations, as well as the connecting cable systems, for DolWin3 and got a] five-year service contract covering [operations and maintenance for the [offshore converter stations and platforms], as well as the onshore converter system…Alstom will work with platform constructor Nordic Yards and cable supplier Prysmian…”
“DolWin3 is the eighth grid-connection project to be implemented by TenneT using DC technology. Together with three projects based on alternating-current technology, the grid operator will deliver a total of 6.2 GW of offshore wind energy to the mainland.
“The DolWin3 project will be the third grid connection in the DolWin wind farm cluster in the southwestern region of the North Sea and will offer a capacity of 900 MW. The project will be completed in 2017.”
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