Scientists More Certain Than Ever on Climate Change, Report Says
John Roach, (NBC News)
“Experts are more certain than ever that human activity is changing the global climate, even though they don't fully understand every detail of the climate system, according to Climate Change: Evidence and Causes from] two of the world's leading scientific bodies…[The] U.S. National Academy of Sciences and the United Kingdom's Royal Society [want] to move the climate change debate beyond humans' role in global warming to a discussion of how to limit the impacts…[of the 40 percent increase in CO2 emissions since 1880 to levels] higher than at any time in at least 800,000 years…[Global temperatures are]1.4 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than in 1900…Arctic sea ice is shrinking, sea levels are 8 inches higher, ocean acidity is on the rise, and the geographical ranges of many plants and animals are shifting…[though] due to the nature of science, not every single detail is ever totally settled or completely certain…[T]he document describes available options, ranging from doing nothing and accepting the ‘losses, damage and suffering that arise,’ to a change in energy production and usage to limit greenhouse gas emissions or ‘geoengineering’ of the climate…” click here for more
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