Led by China, Solar Market to Grow 75% to 65.6 GWp in 2019; The market will average 8% annual growth despite new challenges such as trade disputes with China and changes in global policy…
August 26, 2014 (Lux Research)
"Led by China, the solar industry will grow at a CAGR of 8.3% – from 37.5 GWp in 2013 to 65.6 GWp in 2019 – but emerging trade disputes involving the Asian giant, as much as global policies, cast a shadow over short-term prospects…China became the biggest solar market in the world with 11.8 GWp installations in 2013, and has been key to faster-than-expected global recovery. Since the competitive bankruptcy-ridden cost environment of 2012, module supplier margins have increased, with most Tier-1 suppliers topping 10% toward the end of 2013 and 15% in the first quarter of 2014…[according to Solar Market Size Update 2014: Reform for the Long Haul]…At a CAGR of 16.3%, the Americas [led by the U.S.] will be the fastest-growing region in the world as its new installations market nearly triples from 5.3 GWp in 2013 to 15.4 GWp in 2019…[I]ncremental increases in efficiency are on course from [new] technologies…[tha will cut system costs 20% and] by between $0.36/Wp for utility-scale and $0.60/Wp for residential by 2019…Crystalline silicon (x-Si) will dominate the solar market through 2019 [though CIGS, CZTS, CdTe, and epi-Si have the potential to become major threats…” click here for more
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