It May be Lights Out for the Wind Energy Come the Midterms
Chris Versace, October 27, 2014 (Fox Business News)
“…Congressional support for [wind’s vital $0.023 per kilowatt-hour production tax credit (PTC)] is largely split along party lines. Fifty-five Members of the House led by Rep. Mike Pompeo, (R-Kan.), have written a letter to the tax writing committee demanding an end to the wind energy subsidies…It is presumed that a GOP controlled Congress would see the PTC on the chopping block in 2015 and a Democrat-controlled Congress will fight for renewal…It would be an understatement to say that the outcome of the 2014 elections is important for wind energy producers…Unsurprisingly, much of the [League of Conservation Voters (LCV)] campaign activities have been aimed squarely at renewal of the PTC…[I]t will spend over $25 million supporting pro PTC candidates and attacking their opponents before November elections…Should LCV’s campaign fail, loss of the PTC could prove fatal to some wind companies…The outcome of the elections remain far from certain as does the fate of the PTC under any election outcome scenario and Washington D.C.’s capacity for cronyism should never be underestimated…” click here for more
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