NewEnergyNews: QUICK NEWS, July 26: How Smart Buildings Can Use New Energy; U.S. Ocean Wind Industry About To Be Born; Idaho Farmers Sow Solar, Reap Rewards/


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    Founding Editor Herman K. Trabish



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    Tuesday, July 26, 2016

    QUICK NEWS, July 26: How Smart Buildings Can Use New Energy; U.S. Ocean Wind Industry About To Be Born; Idaho Farmers Sow Solar, Reap Rewards

    How Smart Buildings Can Use New Energy Smart building technology helps reduce energy costs

    Phillip Tracy, July 25, 2016 (RCR Wireless News)

    “…[Today’s smart buildings] are alive, equipped with technology that allows for automated processes of things…Many older buildings have the capability to become smart buildings, but owners and executives often overlook the perks of automation…[By using the “internet of things” to get more efficiencies, smart buildings] can lead to significant financial gain for property owners, and increase production of those working within these structures…Smart building systems also can improve building operations, sustainability and decision making…[Money-saving processes include: Matching occupancy patterns to energy use…Proactive maintenance of equipment…[and taking signals from the electricity market and altering usage to gets] the lowest possible energy costs and often generates revenue…” click here for more

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    U.S. Ocean Wind Industry About To Be Born First offshore wind farm in U.S. to begin final construction phase

    July 25, 2016 (Environment America)

    “…[In the next few days, Deepwater Wind will begin installing the turbine towers and blades for the first U.S. offshore wind project, three] miles southeast of Block Island, R.I., and east of Long Island, N.Y…With the potential to supply all of Block Island with clean power, the 30 MW wind farm could jumpstart the nation’s efforts to finally capture the immense pollution-free resource off our coasts…Located in a renewable energy zone designated by Rhode Island state officials several years ago, the Block Island project will reduce carbon dioxide emissions over the next 20 years in amounts equivalent to taking 150,000 cars off the road, create more than 300 jobs, and save local residents up to 40 percent on their energy bills…Other projects off the Atlantic Coast could provide similar benefits. A 2014 report showed that the 1.5 million acres designated for wind energy off the Atlantic Coast could support enough electricity to power over 5 million homes, offsetting dirty fossil fuel energy sources and creating local jobs…” click here for more

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    Idaho Farmers Sow Solar, Reap Rewards A new crop is now growing in Idaho: Solar energy

    Cynthia Sewell, July 25, 2016 (Idaho Statesman)

    “…[Every morning on a 360-acre stretch of land south of Boise, 174,800 polysilicon photovoltaic solar panels begin to move on a single-axis tracking system with the] first shafts of sunlight…Throughout the day, the solar panels quietly rotate from east to west, following the sun and absorbing its energy to create 40 megawatts of electricity — enough to power about 29,000 homes…[The Idaho Solar 1 project] is putting a new crop on former Treasure Valley farmland: solar energy…[The first commercial solar farm to be built in Idaho] will deliver electricity to Idaho Power for at least the next 20 years…Construction began in December and was completed in April. The project will go online in August…[Idaho Power has contracts with eight solar projects] with a combined total capacity of 240 megawatts…[It is also planning a community solar pilot program to allow customers without solar-suitable roofs access to solar]…’ click here for more

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