NewEnergyNews: QUICK NEWS, June 26: What Climate Change Really Means; New Energy Now Bigger Than Nuclear; The Rump Angers Iowa With Ignorant Wind Remarks/


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    Founding Editor Herman K. Trabish



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    Monday, June 26, 2017

    QUICK NEWS, June 26: What Climate Change Really Means; New Energy Now Bigger Than Nuclear; The Rump Angers Iowa With Ignorant Wind Remarks

    What Climate Change Really Means How Climate Change Will Transform the Way We Live

    Laura Entis, June 25, 2017 (Fortune Magazine)

    “…[Nearly 50 flights out of Phoenix were cancelled as the heat rose past the airline’s 118 degrees maximum operating temperature…It’s difficult not to connect the delays to climate change—scientists estimate the planet’s overall temperature has increased by 1.8 degrees since preindustrial times. Last year was the hottest on record, followed by 2015, followed by 2014…[Here are a few other ways scientists expect climate change to] impact day-to-day life in the U.S. within the next century…[S]ummer will take place indoors…[because it will be] unsafe to go outside for extended periods of time…Roads and train tracks will melt and buckle under the heat…Those with resources, particularly residents of first-world countries, will be spared the most serious repercussions, at least at first. But for the billions of poor people living in developing nations, global warming has already proven deadly...[Scientists urge action, even if it’s minor things like driving less, turning down your thermostat, or reducing your meat intake, because we] can’t afford to not think this is a problem…” click here for more

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    New Energy Now Bigger Than Nuclear Renewables Now Provide More Electricity Than Nuclear Power; 2nd Month In A Row: Solar + Wind Top 10%, Now Surpassing Hydropower…

    June 25, 2017 (Sun Day)

    “…[F]or the first time since the beginning of the nuclear era - renewable energy sources (i.e., biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar - inc. small-scale PV, wind) are now providing a greater share of the nation's electrical generation than nuclear power…For the first third of this year, renewables and nuclear power have been running neck-in-neck with renewables providing 20.20% of U.S. net electrical generation during the four-month period (January - April) compared to 20.75% for nuclear power. But in March and April, renewables surpassed nuclear power and have taken a growing lead: 21.60% (renewables) vs. 20.34% (nuclear) in March, and 22.98% (renewables) vs. 19.19% (nuclear) in April…While renewables and nuclear are each likely to continue to provide roughly one-fifth of the nation's electricity generation in the near-term, the trend line clearly favors a rapidly expanding market share by renewables. Electrical output by renewables during the first third of 2017 compared to the same period in 2016 has increased by 12.1% whereas nuclear output has dropped by 2.9%...In fact, nuclear capacity has declined over the last four years…” click here for more

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    The Rump Angers Iowa With Ignorant Wind Remarks Trump made Iowans really mad by ranting about wind energy

    Jeva Lange, June 23, 2017 (The Week)

    “…[The president] is a little bit obsessed with the evils of wind energy, a topic that did not go over so well at his rally in Iowa…where the rapid growth of the state's wind energy industry has been a bipartisan success story…[E]nvironmentalists and politicians said the president's suggestion that wind is unreliable was outdated and off-base…Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley (Iowa), a longtime supporter of wind energy in his state, said that [the president’s] anti-wind ambitions would only be enacted ‘over my dead body’…[And the president’s ignorant remarks about wind’s threat to bald eagles were completely uninformed. Just 134,000 to 327,000 birds of any kind] die in wind turbine collisions annually compared to a minimum of 365 million that die from collisions with windows of towering buildings like urban hotels]…” click here for more

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