NewEnergyNews: ORIGINAL REPORTING: How California lawmakers plan to align renewable generation with power demand/


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    Founding Editor Herman K. Trabish



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    Wednesday, September 27, 2017

    ORIGINAL REPORTING: How California lawmakers plan to align renewable generation with power demand

    How California lawmakers plan to align renewable generation with power demand; Two new bills present distinct approaches in matching wind and solar output with electricity load

    Herman K. Trabish, March 30, 2017 (Utility Dive)

    Editor’s note: This bill was passed by the Assembly in June but did not get out through the Senate before the 2017session ended.

    An innovative Arizona concept to align renewable energy output with electricity demand could hit the bigtime in California. Proposed legislation from key California lawmakers would require an increasing proportion of peak demand electricity to be served by renewable resources like wind and solar.If enacted, backers say the bills would drive growth for renewables, battery storage and demand management, as well as help the state reduce the need for fossil fuel peaker plants. The bill and its Senate companion (SB 338) echo Arizona’s Clean Peak Standard (CPS), a proposal introduced last year by the state consumer advocate that would amend the state’s renewable portfolio standard to require utilities to obtain a specific portion of their peak demand generation from “clean peak resources.”

    In Arizona, the CPS would address peak demand growth costs. In California, it would use renewable over-generation to mitigate the costs and emissions of flexibility and reliability services from fossil fuel generation. Early reaction to the CPS concept from sector stakeholders, particularly renewable and distributed energy providers, has been largely positive. But California policymakers are still debating how to proceed. In recent months, the concept has also attracted attention in several other states as a way to accomplish two things with one policy. It would add more renewables and it would add renewables when the system most needs capacity, saving ratepayers money when electricity prices are highest…” click here for more

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