NewEnergyNews: QUICK NEWS, September 25: Survey Shows Millennials Acting Against Climate Change; Why Big Buyers Want New Energy; Wind Works, DOE Study Concludes/


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    Founding Editor Herman K. Trabish



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    Monday, September 25, 2017

    QUICK NEWS, September 25: Survey Shows Millennials Acting Against Climate Change; Why Big Buyers Want New Energy; Wind Works, DOE Study Concludes

    Survey Shows How Millennials Act On Climate Change Breaking: Millennials Think About Climate Change Differently Than Anyone Else

    Emma Loewe, September 25, 2017 (MindBodyGreen)

    “…[Much of the burden for easing climate change] is placed on millennials…[Because environmental issues went mainstream as] they were growing up, and their future is less certain than that of generations past, it makes sense that 20- and 30-somethings are tasked with such a big responsibility…[A new study asked thousands of millennials how they're taking action] and their answers were a mixed bag. While millennials are reportedly less inclined to take small personal actions like recycle, ditch plastic water bottles, and adjust the thermostat to save energy, they are significantly more likely to support companies that they perceive to have strong environmental values…[The survey authors think it is because millennials are] looking outward from their own abilities to effect change to see who else can help them make it happen better and faster…[82 percent of millennials] are concerned about how it will influence their children's quality of life. But for many, this concern seems to have morphed into a slight helplessness…Therefore, they seek out companies that value environmental stewardship and employee treatment practices…” click here for more

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    Why Big Buyers Want New Energy Study: What Drives Corporate Renewable Energy Purchases?

    Betsy Lillian, September 14, 2017 (Solar Industry)

    “…[While the continually improving economics of utility-scale wind and solar are helping convert corporate commitments into a decision to buy, companies are determining their own definition of value in the procurement process…[But the cheapest option is not necessarily the best strategic fit or the only factor in corporate buyers’ decision-making, according to State of Corporate Renewable Energy Procurement…More than 150 respondents from companies with annual revenues of greater than $250 million participated…[The survey showed] the market sees sustainability in terms of decarbonization and industry leadership, not just a renewable version of the business-as-usual commodity deal that maximizes market timing…The report found that the primary drivers of corporate renewable energy goals are addressing emissions targets (70% of respondents) and demonstrating corporate leadership (65%)…” click here for more

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    Wind Works, DOE Study Concludes DOE Grid Study Highlights Wind’s Benefits, Need for Transmission

    Isak Kvam, September 15, 2017 (Morning Consult)

    “…[Wind energy makes the electric grid more reliable and] additional investment in transmission lines is essential to unlocking more renewables across the nation [according to Staff Report to the Secretary on Electricity Markets and Reliability]…Wind provides important grid services like voltage control and frequency regulation, which help grid operators ride through disturbances better than any other fuel source. That increases resilience, helping the grid bounce back from disruptions like cyberattacks and storms…Wind energy is fuel-free and needs no cooling water, unlike fossil plants, so grid operators consider wind energy to be a resilient resource. Wind also provides a lot of electricity during periods of extreme weather, when other electricity sources have struggled in the past…The DOE study agrees with grid operators and other experts that investing in transmission infrastructure helps [cheaper power reach more people]…” click here for more

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