NewEnergyNews: QUICK NEWS, June 25: A Solution To Answer Climate Change Deniers’ Doubts; 50% New Energy Would Save AZ Billions/


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    Founding Editor Herman K. Trabish



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    Monday, June 25, 2018

    QUICK NEWS, June 25: A Solution To Answer Climate Change Deniers’ Doubts; 50% New Energy Would Save AZ Billions

    A Solution To Answer Climate Change Deniers’ Doubts Climate change disputers are actually innovation pessimists

    Bob Inglis, June 25, 2018 (The Hill)

    “…Scratch a climate skeptic, and you’ll find an innovation pessimist. They don’t believe it can be done. Overwhelmed by the scale of the problem, they assume that we can’t change our trajectory. Secretly, they’re depressed about it. They need hope…Climate change crawls and creeps; it doesn’t goose step. Addressing it requires a coordinated global response, and innovation pessimists are right to doubt the ability of the United Nations and the ability of the regulatory state to solve the problem…But the innovation pessimists are missing the dynamism that comes from [adding the health and climate damages to the price of fossil fuels]…

    …This accountability would shatter the illusion that energy from fossil fuels is cheap. In a transparent, accountable energy market, consumers — not regulators, not mandates, not fickle tax incentives — would drive demand for clean energy…[T]his could be accomplished through a carbon tax applied at the mine and at the pipeline. The revenue raised from the carbon tax should then be returned to taxpayers in cuts to existing taxes or in the form of dividend checks to ensure no growth of government…The strength of the American market would become evident…[and drive out innovation opponents who are] vested politically or financially in fossil fuels…” click here for more

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    50% New Energy Would Save AZ Billions New Study: 50% Renewables Would Save AZ More than $4 Billion

    Dylan Sullivan, June 14, 2018 (Natural Resources Defense Council)

    “Arizona families and businesses would get lower bills if utilities got 50 percent of their electricity from renewable energy sources like solar and wind, compared to if these same utilities go forward with their fossil fuel-heavy plans for the future…[A new report] found that average electricity bills in 2030 would be three dollars a month lower if Arizona pursues a high-renewables future, and five dollars a month lower in 2040…[The] total electricity system cost savings in the high-renewables future between 2020 and 2040 total more than $4 billion…

    Arizona is the nation’s sunniest state, yet gets just six percent of its electricity from solar power…[A diverse coalition of environmental and public health advocates is] working to place a measure on the November 2018 general election ballot that would require utilities like APS and Tucson Electric Power (TEP) to [change plans to build natural gas generation and] source 50 percent of their electricity from renewables, like wind and solar power, by 2030…” click here for more

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