NewEnergyNews: QUICK NEWS, November 26: The New Report On Climate, Part 1; The New Report On Climate, Part 2/


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    Founding Editor Herman K. Trabish



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    Monday, November 26, 2018

    QUICK NEWS, November 26: The New Report On Climate, Part 1; The New Report On Climate, Part 2

    The New Report On Climate, Part 1 Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II: Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States; The National Climate Assessment (NCA) assesses the science of climate change and variability and its impacts across the United States, now and throughout this century.

    November 23, 2018 (U.S. Global Change Research Program)

    “…[The Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II, a congressionally-mandated report from 13 federal agencies] detailing the impacts of climate change across the United States, shows] the clear and present danger that human-caused climate change poses to the American people, especially to communities of color, the elderly and rural communities…[It also] shows unequivocally that rapid transition away from fossil fuels is necessary to save lives and preserve the country’s natural heritage… The Trump administration denies climate change and is overtly hostile to climate science…[The president] admitted recently to dismissing that report when it was presented to him…

    “…Volume I, released last year, assessed the existing body of climate change science…[Volume II] provides the technical, scientific assessment of impacts, risks, and adaptation… [It finds that human] activity, such as burning fossil fuels, is the primary cause for the warming temperatures…Climate change is already costing Americans, as storms become more damaging, heat waves more deadly, wildfires more common, allergies worse and some diseases more widespread…Fighting climate change will save hundreds of billions of dollars in public health costs alone, and save thousands of lives a year…The Department of Defense, farmers, businesses, and local communities are already planning for and adapting to climate impacts. But their plans often do not always account for the uncertainty that is inherent to a changing climate…” click here for more

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    The New Report On Climate, Part 2 Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II: Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States; The National Climate Assessment (NCA) assesses the science of climate change and variability and its impacts across the United States, now and throughout this century.

    November 23, 2018 (U.S. Global Change Research Program)

    “…[The Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II, a congressionally-mandated report from 13 federal agencies] detailing the impacts of climate change across the United States, shows] the clear and present danger that human-caused climate change poses to the American people, especially to communities of color, the elderly and rural communities…[It also shows the] health of every person living in the U.S. is at risk from climate change. Communities of color, the elderly, children, and low-income communities are particularly vulnerable…Allergy-induced conditions like hay fever and asthma are becoming more frequent and severe…

    Warming is expanding the range of mosquitoes and ticks that carry vector-borne diseases like Zika, West Nile, Dengue, Chikungunya and Yellow Fever…Drier conditions in Arizona and California have led to greater growth of the fungus that leads to Valley Fever (coccidioidomycosis). Before 1999, cryptococcal infections were limited to the tropics, but Cryptococcus gatti, the species that causes these infections, is now established in Northwest soil…The Midwest is projected to have the largest increase in heat-related premature deaths by the end of the century - an additional 2,000 deaths per year…West Nile cases are projected to double by 2050, with a $1 billion annual price tag in hospital costs and premature deaths…” click here for more

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