Teachers Want To Teach Climate Crisis
Teachers want climate crisis training, poll shows; Survey says teachers feel ill-equipped to educate pupils, as school strikes continue
Matthew Taylor, 21 June 2019 (UK Guardian)
“A growing number of teachers want their pupils to learn more about the climate crisis and are calling for environmental training so they can prepare children for a rapidly changing world, [according to findings from YouGov/OxFam ahead of the latest round of] school climate strikes…[T]he results showed teachers and students agreed there needed to be a radical overhaul of the education system in response to the climate crisis…
More than two-thirds of teachers polled said there should be more teaching in UK schools about climate change, while three-quarters did not feel they had received adequate training to educate students on the subject. Around 70% agreed radical change was needed…School strikes are due to take place [Friday, June 21] in 80 towns and cities in the UK, with tens of thousands of students expected to take part…[U]p to 10,000 climate strike leaders from across Europe will gather in Aachen, Germany, for a pan-European rally…” click here for more
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