NewEnergyNews: Billions In Health Benefits From New Energy/


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    Founding Editor Herman K. Trabish



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    Thursday, August 22, 2019

    Billions In Health Benefits From New Energy

    Renewable energy can generate billions of dollars in health benefits, study finds; Researchers at MIT foresee a healthier Rust Belt as a result of renewables

    Justine Calma, August 15, 2019 (The Verge)

    “Ten states across the Midwest and Great Lakes region of the US could see $4.7 billion in health benefits in 2030 [if they build out the wind and solar mandated by] current renewable energy standards…That’s about a 34 percent return on the $3.5 billion price tag…[Health risks associated with the climate crisis range from] annoying allergy seasons to a jump in heat-related illnesses and deaths…[But New Energy offers health benefits, according to new research, because it both limits greenhouse gases and] exposure to fine particulate matter coming from [fossil fuel] power plants. And there’s a vast body of evidence that shows how particulate matter, or soot, can adversely affect respiratory and cardiovascular health…

    …[ In 2016, the Rust Belt generated 42 percent of its power from coal, compared to 30 percent for the US as a whole. And that was before the Trump administration’s push to revive the struggling industry…[I]f those states switch to more renewable energy, air quality will improve. As the pollution rates diminish, so should lung cancer, heart attacks, and strokes among people living there…[which could] reduce the medical bills and lost wages associated with those health effects…[leading to] estimated benefits of $4.7 billion in 2030 if current standards are adopted…[And if states in that region up the percentage of New Energy from 13% to 19.5%,] it would result in $13.5 billion in health benefits in 2030 compared to $5.8 billion in costs…[Going to 26% percent New Energy] would lead to $20 billion in health benefits versus $9 billion in costs to implement…” click here for more


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