NewEnergyNews: QUICK NEWS, November 25: Behind The Harvard-Yale Halftime Climate Protest; Three Good New Energy Bets/


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    Founding Editor Herman K. Trabish



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    Monday, November 25, 2019

    QUICK NEWS, November 25: Behind The Harvard-Yale Halftime Climate Protest; Three Good New Energy Bets

    Behind The Harvard-Yale Halftime Climate Protest Why we risked arrest to protest Harvard and Yale funding fossil fuel giants; Climate change is not a distant reality for us – it is imminent and deeply personal

    Ilana Cohen and Camilla Ledezma, 25 November 2019 (UK Guardian)

    “…[W]e risked arrest at the 136th Harvard-Yale football game alongside hundreds of our peers and alumni…[to call] attention to our universities’ and all of our institutions’ complicity in degrading our planet and our futures through their continued investments in the fossil fuel industry. In a climate emergency, we cannot afford to kick back, watch the game and ignore reality…[It was a part of our] fight to radically transform an unsustainable and unethical status quo… Collectively, Harvard and Yale could be investing upwards of $1.2bn in the fossil fuel industry…

    …[O]ver $11.5tn has been divested from the fossil fuel industry worldwide…[and] the University of California decided to make its over $70bn endowment and $13.4bn pension fund fossil fuel-free…Harvard and Yale continue to perpetuate an unsustainable business…While they contribute to systems of oppression and exploitation, we engage in nonviolent direct action…Despite Harvard and Yale’s intransigence, our divestment movement and the global movement for climate justice is growing exponentially…We risked arrest on Saturday to challenge the system…[and we are asking students, faculty, alumni, and community members to help] us build collective power…” click here for more

    Three Good New Energy Bets 3 Top Renewable Energy Stocks to Buy Right Now; This trio of renewable energy companies offers investors low-risk growth in the sector.

    Matthew DiLallo, November 23, 2019 (The Motley Fool)

    “…[Three renewable energy companies that appear to have bright futures are] Atlantica Yield (NASDAQ:AY), Brookfield Renewable Partners (NYSE:BEP), and Xcel Energy (NASDAQ:XEL)…[Atlantica Yield is a renewable yieldco] focused on generating stable cash flow from operating clean energy assets, the bulk of which they pay out to investors via a high-yielding dividend…[It’s current 6.4% yield] is more than three times that of the S&P 500…[Brookfield Renewable Partners is a renewable yieldco with a portfolio mostly of] hydroelectric power-generating facilities…[which] currently expects to grow [its] payout by 5% to 9% per year through 2024…

    ...[Xcel Energy is a utility which aims] to get 46% of its power from alternatives by 2027…[and] grow its earnings per share by 5% to 7% per year through at least 2024. That should allow it to increase its 2.6%-yielding dividend at a similar yearly pace…[These companies] are focusing on the lower risk side of the renewable sector…[which] should enable them to generate market-beating returns…” click here for more


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