Watch These Trends In The World’s Climate Fight
5 Global Trends Shaping Our Climate Future
Brad Plumer, November 12, 2019 (NY Times)
“…[Energy policies the world’s nations] currently have on their books could cause global greenhouse gas emissions to continue rising for the next 20 years…[because the] appetite for energy keeps surging, and the rise of renewables so far hasn’t been fast enough to satisfy all that extra demand…[and] fossil fuels use, particularly natural gas, keeps growing…[1: Renewables] will surpass coal as the world’s dominant source of electricity by 2030…[but it will be extremely difficult for the world to rapidly reduce its greenhouse gas emissions unless existing coal] plants are run less frequently, retired early or retrofitted with technology to capture their carbon dioxide pollution…[2: Offshore wind will] increase ninefold by 2040…
…[3:Purchases of electric cars will accelerate worldwide, allowing global gasoline and diesel use for cars to] peak by the mid-2020s…[but if the world’s love affair with S.U.V.s continues,] it could wipe out much of the oil savings from the nascent electric-car boom…[4: Countries] can also curb their emissions by improving the energy efficiency of their factories, homes and vehicles through policies like building codes and fuel economy standards…[But, in] 2018, the energy intensity of the global economy, a measure of efficiency, improved by just 1.2 percent, one of the slowest rates in years…[5: Finally, if] Africa pursues the same fossil-fuel heavy path to development that China did, greenhouse gas emissions could rise considerably…” click here for more
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