NewEnergyNews: Answering Kids’ Climate Crisis Questions/


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    Founding Editor Herman K. Trabish



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    Friday, December 20, 2019

    Answering Kids’ Climate Crisis Questions

    Five answers for kids concerned about climate change; Climate change and environmental issues are complicated. And if you have young children, it can be difficult to explain exactly what's going on…>

    Martin Kuebler, Ruby Russell, December 17, 2019 (Deutsche Welle)

    “…People don’t know yet how things will turn out in 10 years, 20 years or a 100 years from now…But there are things we can do…to understand what the problem is…and how we can all play a role in solving it…[1] Students hope that by walking out of school with banners and megaphones, and getting together with other people who want things to change, that their voices will be heard. They want the politicians, those people who make the big decisions, to get together and come up with solutions…

    [2] Most of the energy we use to make things, keep the lights on and our homes warm, turn on the air-con and power transport, comes from burning fuels like oil, gas and coal. These are called fossil fuels and when they are burned, they release carbon. Once it gets into the atmosphere, it traps a lot of heat…When the planet gets hotter, how the weather changes is different from place to place — and hard to predict…[3] Earth is about 4.5 billion years old and it has been through lots of changes, getting hotter and colder at different times. But the animals and plants that live here now like the climate just the way it is. If it changes too much, many will die…

    Climate change could mean more people will become sick. And some people have to leave their homes and look for a safer place to live…To stop the world getting too hot, we have to change the way we live…[4]…[N]early everything we do in our daily life has an effect on the climate…[5] Everyone can make changes in their daily life that mean there will be less pollution. And while our choices alone aren't enough to fix the problem, they can help to convince companies and politicians to make bigger changes…” click here for more


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