How A Colorado Power Market Benefits The State And The West
Colorado Can Save Money, Create Jobs And Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions By Enabling Transmission Coordination Across The State; The highest benefits for Colorado in terms of consumer costs, job creation and GHG emissions is when all of the electricity companies in Colorado join the Western Energy Imbalance Market.
October 22, 2020 (Vibrant Clean Energy)
“…[E]nabling more efficient and transparent transmission coordination across Colorado the average residential electricity customer could save $255 per year by 2040…[and save] Colorado of $1.76 billion. The coordination of electric grid investments across Colorado also facilitates integration to Western electricity markets, and creates 70,000 new jobs while reducing annual greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from the electricity sector by 73% from 2005 levels…
[New modeling shows Colorado fares better if all the utilities and cooperatives join either the SPP organized WEIS (Western Energy Imbalance Service) or the CAISO organized WEIM (Western Energy Imbalance Market)…[T]he most beneficial option is for all of Colorado to join the CAISO WEIM, as it provides lower costs, further reduces Colorado customer bills, enables Colorado to sell its wind and solar electricity to more customers, and grows local jobs across the state, particularly in rural areas…The final step would be a fully developed Regional Transmission Organization across the West…” click here for more
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