Green Hydrogen To Boom
Why green hydrogen is the renewable energy source to watch in 2021; The price tag and energy needed to make it will be worth it, experts say
Julia Jacobo, December 13, 2020 (ABC News)
Green hydrogen, an alternative fuel generated with clean energy, is experiencing a global resurgence and has been identified as the clean energy source that could help bring the world to net-zero emissions in the coming decades…[It is expected to cost the same] as conventional hydrogen within a decade…Several countries around the world already invest heavily…[and the market] is expected to grow exponentially…Bloomberg NEF estimates that an $11 trillion investment in production and storage worldwide through 2050 and more electricity than the world generates now to have green hydrogen meet a quarter of the world's energy needs…
…[Green hydrogen] carries one quarter the amount of energy per unit compared to natural gas, can embrittle metal and is highly combustible, Liebreich wrote…[Current investment and production are] only expected to generate 3 million tons a year, compared to a global target of 8.7 million tons per year…[C]arbon-free "green" hydrogen is made using [zero-emissions wind and solar] electricity split the hydrogen molecules from oxygen molecules…[The byproduct is] water…
Green hydrogen is forecast to fill 15% to 20% of the world's energy needs that will not be easily met with battery, wind or solar power…[which cannot fully serve long term storage, heavy manufacturing, or] long-distance transport…[I]t will need to be pressurized and then moved, either through a pipeline, ship or truck using the existing infrastructure…The production of fossil fuels must be decreased by 6% per year between 2020 and 2030 in order to prevent a "catastrophic" global temperature rise…” click here for more
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