NewEnergyNews: The Night Before Christmas 2020/


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    Founding Editor Herman K. Trabish



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    Friday, December 25, 2020

    The Night Before Christmas 2020

    Twas the night before Christmas, and all o'er the house Stirred the clicking — most frantic — of every mouse All the stockings were hung by the TV with flair But children played on apps in their rooms without care Sneaking smart-phones and laptops right into their beds While visions of going viral danced in their heads

    When out on the street there arose such a clatter I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter When what to my wandering eyes did appear An electric sleigh, without any reindeer "Self-driving" said the driver, so lively and quick I knew from his TikToks it must be St. Nick

    "I don't strew CO2," he said, "on glaciers and meadows So my polar bear friends can hang onto their ice floes." He had a snow-white goatee, and six-pack of a belly "I just couldn't go on like a bowl full of jelly. Now I eat fruits and veggies, meditate, and do yoga And don't just watch e-sports — Elf Sports — on the sofa."

    And after our chitchat he went straight to work, And filled all the stockings with candies and merch Then laying his finger aside of his nose, And giving a nod, he told me, "Lord knows 2020's been filled with sorrow and stresses With Covid, job loss, and protesting injustice.

    We miss those we loved, who are no longer here Handshakes, hugs, friendships, and moments of cheer. Santa's whole workshop is now Work from Home I call elves for IT help, they ask, 'Safari or Chrome?' I tell them of toys, and they say, 'You're on mute!' I've got grey sweatpants on 'neath the top of my suit.

    Family and friends can't gather this season We miss their warm smiles, but we all know the reason. The year has been tough, but still at each turn People have become heroes, and helped us to learn: That even across social distanced divides we are all essential workers in each other's lives.

    So thanks to doctors! To nurses! Delivery crews! Farmers and pharmacists, bus drivers too! Thanks to med techs, and scientists in laboratories Those in clinical trials, and the great Dr. Fauci!" Santa sprang to his sleigh, to the sky gave a whistle And his autonomous vehicle took off like a missile

    But I heard him exclaim, as he zipped out of sight, "Look out for each other! And to all, a good night!"


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