The widely heralded calls from Al Gore and T. Boone Pickens for more New Energy keep echoing through the canyons of popular attention.
Kansas, a state right in the middle of the Midwestern wind corridor Pickens describes in his presentations as "the Saudi Arabia of wind," is buzzing. Under the bold leadership of Governor Kathleen Sebelius, Kansas has been busy building wind for some time now. (See AT THE CENTER OF THE BOOM IN WIND) Following the release of a Department of Energy-approved plan from the wind industry to build enough new wind infrastructure to generate 20% of U.S. electricity by 2030, the Gore and Pickens publicity splashes have incited even more excitement.
Nancy Jackson, executive director, Climate and Energy Project: “I’m over the moon about it…This gives Kansans a chance to stay home and have jobs where they have grown up, which is great…”
Potential total economic benefit to Kansas if the state builds its share of the proposed new wind capacity: $7.8 billion, including 23,000 construction jobs and more than 3,000 permanent jobs.
Adding to the excitement, Rock Port, Missouri, a town of 1,300 on the Missouri-Nebraska border just north of Kansas City, has declared itself the first town in the U.S. to get 100% of its electricity from wind energy.
Jo Stevens, mayor, Rock Port: “I still get a thrill when I come into town and see those turbines sitting up there, even though they have been there for two or three months…”
Things may not unfold quite as explosively as Pickens and Gore predict. Only supportive federal, state and local governments can facilitate such a dynamic expansion.
Christine Real de Azua, spokeswoman, American Wind Energy Association (AWEA): “This is not business as usual…To make this work, clearly we would need a different set of policies in place.”
Translation: Extend the production tax credit (PTC) set to expire at the end of 2008 or lose the momentum. Implement supportive incentives like a national Renewable Electricity Standard (RES) and a long-term PTC to renew and sustain wind industry investment.
Since nothing much gets written these days without quotes from the presidential candidates (or something about the Jolie-Pitt twins), here are the candidates on the Pickens and Gore presentations (because the twins have so far withheld comment).
Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama, agreeing with Gore: “…we cannot drill our way to energy independence, but must fast-track investments in renewable sources of energy...It’s a strategy that will create millions of new jobs that pay well and cannot be outsourced.”
Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain: “All of these alternate forms of energy have to be, one, funded in pure research and development, and second, see which one wins…But let them loose, unleash them all.”

Wind-energy dreams gain altitude
Karen Dillon (w/Dave Helling), July 19, 2008 (Kansas City Star)
T. Boone Pickens, oil & gas and wind energy entrepreneur; Nobel laureate, former Vice President and Academy award winner Al Gore; American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) (Christine Real de Azua, spokeswoman); The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
On the heels of the Pickens and Gore pronouncements, Kansas –like other Midwestern states – is gearing up for a yet bigger boom.

- The U.S. presently generates 1% to 2% of its power from wind.
- A DOE report release in the spring found it entirely feasible for the U.S. to plan on generating 20% of its electricity from wind by 2030.
- Gore says a trillion dollar investment over the next 10 years could build a New Energy infrastructure in the U.S. to produce 100% of the nation’s electricity from New Energy.
- Pickens also set a 10-year goal for his program.
- Electricity rates in Rock Port, Missouri, are expected to remain unchanged for the next 15 to 20 years as the turbines continue to generate power at an unchanged rate.
- Pickens describes wind resources of that stretch of the Midwestern U.S. from the Texas Gulf coast to the Canadian border as the richest land wind assets in the world.
- Kansas sit right in the middle of the wind-rich Midwestern plains.
- According to the Kansas City reporters, the Pickens splash is costing him $58 million. It is a small part of the $12 billion price tag on his 4,000-megawatt Pampa Wind Project.
- Kansas is already seeing the economic benefits of a wind energy boom like the one Pickens touts the way wind energy development has transformed the once-decaying Texas town of Sweetwater.
- Pickens says the U.S. must understand the flow of its money into foreign oil-producing countries’ coffers as “a national emergency and take immediate action.”
- Both presidential candidates have recognized important aspects of the Pickens and Gore plans but neither candidate has endorsed either plan in full.
- The possibility and practicality of Pickens’ proposal t transform U.S. transportation to compressed natural gas fuel has been widely questioned.
- The possibility of achieving the level of manufacturing necessary or building the amount of new transmission required for either the Gore or the Pickens plan has also been widely questioned.

- Jo Stevens, mayor, Rock Port: “Being a small town, it was the main entertainment around here…When they brought in the crane to erect the towers and put on — I call them the white pinwheels — there was a crowd standing and watching.”
- Debbie Mesloh, communications director, Sen. Barack Obama/Missouri: “Pickens’ proposal to break our addiction to foreign oil and significantly ramp up our investments in renewable energy is precisely in line with what Obama has proposed in his comprehensive energy plan…”
- Pickens: “America is in a hole, and it’s getting deeper every day…”
- Julia Bovey, communications director, Natural Resources Defense Council: “[The Gore and the Pickens plans are] really a nice fit…The Pickens ads are really compelling, a tough, macho guy talking about, ‘I was an oil man but now it is time for wind.’ These are all parts of the equation.”
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America needs to stay FOCUSED, AWARE and EDUCATED.
History reminds us that every time oil prices peak and the North American market/consumers start to discuss alternative energy sources, the oil exporting countries start to trim down their prices. History also tells us that the oil exporting nations have been very successful in the past and in fact, we have lost our enthusiasm and dropped many of our alternative energy initiatives after oil prices are reduced.
WE need to stay focused this time.
1) Al Gore and his energy initiative is on course.
2) T. Boone Pickens and his wind power initiative is on course.
3) BG Automotive Group’s mass production electric vehicle program is on
4) Richard Branson from the UK is on course.
5) The Gas Reduction Act of 2008 might not be the most environmentally sound
solution, but yet it shows that Congress has finally realized that we have an
energy crisis (again), and a real threat to our national security.
The continued dependence on foreign oil is a threat to our long term democratic values. We must become an energy independent nation, and with this, some sacrifices will have to be made by the American consumer.
Be aware!!
We are exporting approximately USD $700 Billion dollars per year of U.S. currency. The majority of this money is being transferred to the Trillion dollar “sovereign wealth funds”. This is USD $700 Billion not being spent on America’s educational system, health care and security.
The “sovereign wealth funds” are directly buying major interests (large blocks of stock) in U.S. companies, including most of the major banks. Also, billions of dollars of “sovereign wealth fund” money is being invested in our hedge funds, private equity firms, and the investment banking industry. A few of these firms are directly and indirectly investing large sums of money into our “gas combustion” automobile industry. Do we want our auto industry in the direct or indirect control of the firms that are supplying us oil? This is an interesting topic for an investigative reporter.
There are automotive consulting companies in Michigan (heart of our auto industry), lobbying States and our Federal Government, NOT to subsidize the Electric Vehicle industry. The latter seems to be contradictory to what the American public would like to see from our automobile industry. After the billions (excess of $20 billion) the automotive companies have lost in the past 6 months producing gas combustion vehicles, you would think they too would change course. Changing course is not adding 2-4 miles per gallon w/Hybrids. Drastic measures in our auto industry must take place and NOW!
Do not let the temporary reduction in oil prices push us off course….AGAIN.
Read, Read, Read- Stay on top of the issues. Let’s not be fooled again.
(1) Southern California Edison (SCE) is leasing commercial rooftops and installing solar panels on them to feed the local grid in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. This is the very best bang for the buck. Look at the advantages: No land is used. No transmission lines need to be built. No waiting 4 to 5 years to build them. No power loss to transmit electricity long distances to where it is consumed. The power is fed directly into neighborhood grids. No need to shell out big bucks to upgrade the National Grid which would drive your electric bill higher. Take every city where there is enough cost effective sunshine, and do the same. Cover all commercial rooftops with solar panels. Then do schools, colleges, hospitals, government buildings, and residential rooftops, either leased by the local power company or installed by the owner. This is LOCALIZED electric power generation.
(2) Pass a “Uniform Net Metering Act” to guarantee that anyone generating surplus electric power will be paid at least the going wholesale rate for it by local power companies. Some power companies already have variations of net metering, but many do not. The impact will be that solar, wind, biogas to electric, and other home and business power systems will be installed larger than they need to be, thus adding peak load and generating surplus power to the local grid and also creating quarterly revenue for the private owner.
(3) Massive installation of solar roof panels on plug-in hybrids and electric vehicles, cars and trucks, including long haul trailer roofs. Theses would interface with localized V2G parking systems that would either charge the vehicle or produce peak load power for the grid while parked. The vehicle owners local electric power account would be electronically debited or credited accordingly. Solar roofed vehicles in mass, parked in the sun all day long, would generate a sizeable amount of peak load power, which would generate energy credits or even revenue for the vehicle owner. This combined with the rapid development of next generation translucent solarvoltaic window panels and entire vehicle bodies covered with hi-tech solar paint, with long haul trailers generating a significant amount of solar power. Again, no land or transmission lines needed and no National Grid needed.
(4) Advanced, super-organized recycling systems to channel all local organic waste from homes, commercial buildings, restaurants, institutions, government offices, agricultural, food processing, wood working, building industry, municipal sewage and landfill, etc. into forms of localized energy production, such as biogas methane. With the fuel burned as natural gas for the local grid, and the exhaust and the nitrogen-phosphorous liquid effluent mitigated and fed to adjacent Algae production systems. With the oil in the algae made into locally produced biodeisel; the byproduct algae starch made into locally consumed ethanol; and the protein made into locally consumed animal feeds.
(5) The mitigation and exploitation of all sources of sewage and manure from septic systems, dairy farms, poultry, and livestock operations into biogas digesters producing methane to generate electric power for local grids and surplus regional transmission. With the effluent again being used to feed adjacent algae production for additional power, liquid fuels, or animal feed.
(6) The mitigation and exploitation of all existing fossil fuel power plants by the cycling of CO2 rich exhaust to feed adjacent algae production, with the potential to co-fire all or part of the algae as onsite power plant fuel, in the form of combustible ultrasound fractionated oil-rich algae slurry, to replace a portion of the fossil fuel being consumed by the power plants.
(7) The mitigation and exploitation of all existing corn ethanol refineries, by leveraging the waste products of CO2, waste heat, waste water effluent, natural gas exhaust (or other onsite exhaust), to feed adjacent algae production: To create feedstock for biodeisel, providing localized fuel for agriculture. To generate biogas to replace natural gas or to replace whatever fuel was being used for plant production power. To cogenerate electric power for the local grid. Thereby generating additional waste heat for the algae. With the option to produce additional ethanol from algae starch, and or high protein algae animal feed, to parallel and enhance the existing distillers grains market. These algae products, produced in whatever proportion would be advantageous, primary to supply local and regional markets.
Again, the emphasis is on localized electric power production, localized liquid fuel production, and localized animal feed production, mitigating and exploiting waste products into value added algae based fuels and feeds.
(8) Consistent long term tax credits for renewables such as solar, wind, wave, geothermal, biomass and biogas to electric, and hydrogen and clean fuels to electric, etc.
(9) Fast Tracking the award winning clean burning multi-fueled GREEN REVOLUTION ENGINE. This engine can burn any liquid or gaseous fuel, including hydrous ethanol, powdered biomass, and ultrasound fractionated oil-rich algae slurry (with any exhaust recycled to grow more algae).
(10) Fast Tracking hydrogen on demand water splitting, onboard the moving vehicle, using Ultrasound and or Pulsed Width Modulation current, generated by conventional vehicle electric systems and vehicle solar roof panels.
(11) Fast Tracking the ultra clean GEET Fuel Processor that runs existing internal combustion engines and gensets on vaporized mixtures of 75% water and any combustible fuel, including ultrasound fractionated algae slurry and enhanced powdered biomass slurry. Search: GEET Fuel Processor. Search: BingoFuel (one word).
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