Atlas Of Mortality And Economic Losses From Weather, Climate And Water Extremes (1970–2012)
July 2014 (World Meteorological Organization)
Every year, disasters related to weather, climate and
water hazards cause significant loss of life and set back
economic and social development by years, if not decades
From 1970 to 2012, 8 835 disasters, 1 94 million deaths
and US$ 2 4 trillion of economic losses were reported
globally1 as a result of droughts, floods, windstorms,
tropical cyclones, storm surges, extreme temperatures,
landslides and wildfires, or by health epidemics and
insect infestations directly linked to meteorological and
hydrological conditions This Atlas, a joint publication of
the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the
Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters
(CRED) of the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium
(see Annex I), describes the distribution and impacts of
weather-, climate- and water-related disasters from 1970
to 2012 It also highlights the actions and programmes
led or coordinated by WMO to reduce the impacts of
such disasters.
Under the cross-cutting framework of its Disaster Risk
Reduction Programme, WMO has launched an initiative
to develop guidelines, recommended practices and standards s for hazard definition and classification to support
the geo-referencing of loss and damage data and risk
analysis As part of the activities of this Programme, WMO
is working in cooperation with its technical commissions
and programmes and the NMHSs of its 191 Members to
develop statistical hazard mapping as well as forecasting
and forward-looking modelling tools and methodologies for
meteorological, hydrological and climate-related hazards
to support loss and damage data collection and analysis
and probabilistic risk modelling This initiative, combined
with national capacity development projects, will enable
countries to collect and develop hazard databases and
metadata, carry out systematic geo-referencing of related
loss and damage data and support risk modelling at local,
national, regional and global scales.
Underpinning this initiative is the significant capacity that
WMO and its 191 Members have developed for gathering
and disseminating data through two globally coordinated operational systems – the WMO Integrated Global
Observing System and the WMO Information System.
In addition, World Meteorological Centres, Regional
Specialized Meteorological Centres (including Regional
Climate Centres) and NMHSs provide weather and climate
analyses, warnings, forecasts and other information
services through the WMO Global Data-processing
and Forecasting System on a 24/7 basis These various
centres are also involved in other vital programmes
and activities to support meteorological, hydrological
and climate services for disaster risk reduction, such as
the Tropical Cyclone Programme, which facilitates the
development of operational tropical cyclone bulletins
and information.
WMO projects such as the Severe Weather Forecasting
Demonstration Project use the resources and modelling
capabilities of NMHSs to assist the severe weather
forecasting and warning services of less developed
NMHSs, in particular in least developed countries and
small island developing States Other relevant WMO
contributions include activities for the monitoring and
integrated management of floods and droughts, the
forecasting of storm surges and coastal inundation,
climate prediction organized by Regional Climate Centres
(RCCs), coordination of El Niño-Southern Oscillation
reports, and the annual statements on the status of the
global climate All of these activities ensure delivery of
reliable and timely meteorological, climate and other
related environmental services and information on hazards to decision-makers building on the WMO Strategy
for Service Delivery.
The Atlas of Mortality and Economic Losses from Weather,
Climate and Water Extremes (1970–2012) is a first step by
the new partnership of WMO and CRED to engage their
respective national and global networks in improving
national disaster loss and damage databases by linking
them to the hazard information collected by WMO and
its Members.
Disaster database used for the analysis
The analysis provided in this Atlas is based on the CRED
EM-DAT database2, which contains data on disasters caused
by several types of natural hazards – geophysical, meteorological, climatological, hydrological and biological – and technological disasters dating back to the year 1900. Of
the over 20 700 reported disasters listed in the database,
62 per cent were caused by natural hazards and 38 per
cent were technological. The objective of developing and
maintaining this database is to provide evidence to support
humanitarian actions and the development of national and
international programmes.
The disasters included in this report are classified as
meteorological (storms), climatological (droughts, extreme
temperatures and wildfires) and hydrological (floods and
mass movement wet, which includes subsidence, rockfalls, avalanches and landslides). These categories were
developed by CRED along with a number of its partners
engaged in collecting loss and damage data associated
with natural hazards (see Annex II, Table 1).
Through the long experience of CRED in data collection and
management, EM-DAT has provided a unique, public and
global reference database of reported disasters. It ensures
transparency through normative rules, clearly stated
definitions and methodologies and selective validation
methods and tools. Information sources were selected to
describe disasters and their related losses as accurately as
possible in EM-DAT (Annex II, Table 2). All events reported
in EM-DAT should, moreover, meet the defined selection
criteria (Annex II, Table 5).
Over the years, data entry and delivery have become
automated, making it easier to compare EM-DAT data
across time and space. Thus, the quality and amount
of loss and damage data from reported disasters have
increased over time…
From 1970 to 2012, 8 835 weather-, climate- and water-related disasters were reported
globally. Together they caused the loss of
1.94 million lives and economic damages of
US$ 2.4 trillion. The 10 worst reported disasters in terms of human lives lost represented
only 0.1 per cent of the total number of events,
but accounted for 69 per cent (1.34 million) of
the total deaths. The 10 most costly disasters
accounted for 19 per cent (US$ 443.6 billion)
of overall economic losses. Storms, droughts,
floods and extreme temperatures all figure
on both lists of the worst disasters.
Storms and floods accounted for 79 per cent of
the total number of disasters due to weather,
water and climate extremes and caused 54 per
cent of deaths and 84 per cent of economic
losses. Droughts caused 35 per cent of deaths,
mainly due to the severe African droughts of
1975, 1983 and 1984.
The 10 worst reported disasters in terms of
lives lost occurred primarily in least developed and developing countries, whereas
the economic losses occurred primarily in
developed countries and in countries with
economies in transition.
In Africa, from 1970 to 2012, 1 319 reported
disasters caused the loss of 698 380 lives
and economic damages of US$ 26.6 billion.
Although floods were the most prevalent type
of disaster (61 per cent), droughts led to the
highest number of deaths, accounting for
some 96 per cent of all lives lost to weather-,
climate- and water-related disasters in the
region. The severe droughts in Ethiopia in 1975
and 1983 and in Mozambique and Sudan in
1983 and 1984 caused the majority of deaths.
Storms and floods, however, caused the highest economic losses (78 per cent).
The 10 worst reported disasters in terms
of human deaths accounted for 97 per cent
(674 362) of the total number of lives lost.
The 10 biggest reported events in terms of
economic losses accounted for 42 per cent
(US$ 11.3 billion) of all losses…
In Asia, 2 681 disasters were reported in
the 1970–2012 period, resulting in the loss
of 915 389 lives and economic damages of
US$ 789.8 billion. Most of these disasters were
attributed to floods (45 per cent) and storms
(35 per cent). Storms had the highest impact
on the number of deaths, causing 76 per
cent of the fatalities, while floods caused the
greatest economic loss (60 per cent). Three
tropical cyclones were the most significant
events, striking Bangladesh and Myanmar
and leading to over 500 000 deaths. Economic
losses were caused primarily by disasters in
China, most notably by the 1998 floods.
The 10 worst reported disasters accounted for
73 per cent (665 071) of the total deaths and
29 per cent (US$ 227.5 billion) of economic
losses. The increase in mortality during the
periods 1991–2000 and 2001–2010 was mainly
due to two major tropical cyclones that caused
significant loss of life in Bangladesh in 1991
and Myanmar in 2008 (Cyclone Nargis)…
South America
During the 43-year period of 1970–2012,
South America experienced 696 reported
disasters that resulted in 54 995 lives lost
and US$ 71.8 billion in economic damages.
Most of the reported disasters related to
weather, climate and water extremes involved
floods (57 per cent) and mass movement wet
(16 per cent). With regard to impacts, floods
caused the greatest number of casualties
(80 per cent) and the most economic loss
(63 per cent). The most significant event
during the period was a flood and wet mass
movement that occurred in the Bolivarian
Republic of Venezuela in late 1999 and caused
30 000 deaths. This single event skews the
loss of life statistics significantly for the
entire region.
The 10 worst reported disasters accounted for
63 per cent (34 688) of total deaths and 43 per
cent (US$ 30.7 billion) of economic losses…
North America, Central America, and the Caribbean
In North America, Central America and the
Caribbean, the period from 1970 to 2012
saw 1 631 reported disasters that caused
the loss of 71 246 lives and economic damages of US$ 1 008.5 billion. The majority
of the reported hydrometeorological and
climate-related disasters in this region were
attributed to storms (55 per cent) and floods
(30 per cent). Storms were reported to be
the greatest cause of casualties (72 per cent)
and economic loss (79 per cent). The most
significant events in terms of lives lost were
Hurricane Mitch in 1998 (17 932 deaths),
which affected Honduras and Nicaragua,
and Hurricane Fifi in 1974 (8 000 deaths),
which affected Honduras. However, in terms
of economic damage, Hurricane Katrina in
2005 was the most costly disaster on record,
resulting in US$ 146.9 billion in losses.
The 10 worst reported disasters in terms
of human deaths accounted for 56 per cent
(39 879) of the total reported lives lost, and in
terms of economic damages, they accounted
for 38 per cent (US$ 388.2 billion) of all losses…
South-West Pacific
The South-West Pacific experienced 1 156
reported disasters in 1970–2012 that resulted
in 54 684 lives lost and US$ 118.4 billion
in economic losses. The majority of these
disasters were caused by storms (46 per cent)
and floods (38 per cent).
Storms were reported to be the greatest cause
of deaths (68 per cent). Economic losses were
more evenly distributed amongst the four
hazard types: storms (46 per cent), drought
(18 per cent), wildfire (14 per cent) and floods
(21 per cent). The most significant reported
disasters with regard to lives lost were tropical
cyclones, mainly in the Philippines, including
the event of 1991, which took 5 956 lives. As
for economic damages, the 1981 drought in
Australia caused US$ 15.2 billion in economic
losses and the 1997 wildfires in Indonesia
caused US$ 11.4 billion in losses.
The 10 worst reported disasters accounted
for 33 per cent (17 933) of the total deaths and
50 per cent (US$ 59.0 billion) of the economic
In Europe, 1 352 reported disasters caused
149 959 deaths and US$ 375.7 billion in economic damages during the 1970–2012 period.
Although floods (38 per cent) and storms
(30 per cent) were the most reported causes
of disasters, extreme temperatures led to the
highest proportion of deaths (94 per cent),
with 72 210 lives lost during the 2003 European
heatwave and 55 736 during the 2010 heatwave in the Russian Federation. In contrast,
floods and storms accounted for most of the
economic losses during the period.
The 10 worst reported disasters accounted
for 85 per cent (127 058) of total lives lost and
25 per cent (US$ 92.7 billion) of economic
losses associated to weather-, water- and
climate-related hazards.
Regional Intercomparisons
Storms, floods and droughts are among
the most recurrent weather-, climate- and
water-related hazards around the world.
However, the distribution of deaths and
economic losses from these hazards varies
from Region to Region. For example, the
main contributors to the loss of life have been
droughts in Africa; storms in Asia, in Central
America, North America and the Caribbean,
and in the South-West Pacific; floods in South
America; and heatwaves in Europe. On the
other hand, a large portion of economic losses
has been attributed to floods in Africa, Asia,
South America and Europe, and to storms
in Central America, North America and the
Caribbean, and the South-West Pacific…