Climate Change: Implications for the Energy Sector (Key Findings from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report)
June 2014 (World Energy Council and the University of Cambridge)
The Physical science of Climate Change
Rising temperatures:
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) concludes that climate
change is unequivocal, and that human activities,
particularly emissions of carbon dioxide, are very likely
to be the dominant cause. Changes are observed in all
geographical regions: the atmosphere and oceans are
warming, the extent and volume of snow and ice are
diminishing, sea levels are rising and weather patterns
are changing.
Computer models of the climate used by the IPCC indicate
that changes will continue under a range of possible
greenhouse gas emission scenarios over the 21st century.
If emissions continue to rise at the current rate, impacts
by the end of this century are projected to include a
global average temperature 2.6–4.8 degrees Celsius (°C)
higher than present, and sea levels 0.45–0.82 metres
higher than present.
To prevent the most severe impacts of climate change,
parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) agreed a target of keeping the rise in average global
temperature since pre-industrial times below 2°C, and to
consider lowering the target to 1.5°C in the near future.
The first instalment of AR5 in 2013 (Working Group I on
the physical science basis of climate change) concluded
that by 2011, we had already emitted about two-thirds of
the maximum cumulative amount of carbon dioxide that
we can emit if we are to have a better than two-thirds chance
of meeting the 2°C target.
Impact of past emissions:
Even if emissions are stopped immediately, temperatures
will remain elevated for centuries due to the effect of
greenhouse gases from past human emissions already
present in the atmosphere. Limiting temperature rise will
require substantial and sustained reductions of greenhouse
gas emissions.
Key Findings
energy demand is increasing globally, causing greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions from the energy sector also to increase. The trend is set to
continue, driven primarily by economic growth and the rising population. In
recent years the long-term trend of gradual decarbonisation of energy has
reversed due to an increase in coal burning.
Climate change presents increasing challenges for energy production
and transmission. A progressive temperature increase, an increasing
number and severity of extreme weather events and changing
precipitation patterns will affect energy production and delivery. The
supply of fossil fuels, and thermal and hydropower generation and
transmission, will also be affected. However, adaptation options exist.
significant cuts in GHG emissions from energy can be achieved
through a variety of measures. These include cutting emissions from
fossil fuel extraction and conversion, switching to lower-carbon fuels (for
example from coal to gas), improving energy efficiency in transmission
and distribution, increasing use of renewable and nuclear generation,
introduction of carbon capture and storage (CCS), and reducing final
energy demand.
strong global political action on climate change would have major
implications for the energy sector. Stabilisation of emissions at levels
compatible with the internationally agreed 2°C temperature target will
mean a fundamental transformation of the energy industry worldwide in
the next few decades, on a pathway to complete decarbonisation.
incentivising investment in low-carbon technologies will be a key
challenge for governments and regulators to achieve carbon reduction
targets. Reducing GHG emissions also brings important co-benefits such
as improved health and employment, but supply-side mitigation measures
also carry risks.
The energy industry is both a major contributor to
climate change and a sector that climate change will
disrupt. Over the coming decades, the energy sector
will be affected by global warming on multiple levels,
and by policy responses to climate change. The stakes
are high: without mitigation policies, the global
average temperature is likely to rise by 2.6–4.8°C by
2100 from pre-industrial levels.
In the absence of strong mitigation policies, economic
growth and the rising global population will continue
to drive energy demand upwards, and hence GHG
emissions will also rise. Climate change itself may
also increase energy use due to greater demand
for cooling.
The means and infrastructure to produce and
transport energy will be adversely impacted by climate
change. The oil and gas industry is likely to suffer
from increased disruption and production shutdowns
due to extreme weather events affecting both offshore
and onshore facilities. Power plants, especially those
in coastal areas, will be affected by extreme weather
events and rising sea levels. Critical energy transport
infrastructure is at risk, with oil and gas pipelines in
coastal areas affected by rising sea levels and those
in cold climates affected by thawing permafrost.
Electricity grids will be impacted by storms, and
the rise in global temperature may affect electricity
generation including thermal and hydroelectric
stations in some locations. Weather changes may also
affect bioenergy crops. In general, the industry has
options for adapting to climatic changes, but costs are
likely to be incurred.
The energy sector is the largest contributor to global
GHG emissions. In 2010, 35% of direct GHG emissions
came from energy production. In recent years the
long-term trend of gradual decarbonisation of
energy has reversed. From 2000 to 2010, the growth
in energy sector emissions outpaced the growth in
overall emissions by around 1% per year. This was due
to the increasing share of coal in the energy mix.
From annual emissions of 30 gigatonnes (Gt) of
carbon dioxide (CO2) in 2010, projections indicate that
in the absence of policies to constrain emissions, the
emissions associated with fossil fuel use, including
the energy supply sector but also energy use in
transport, industry and buildings would contribute
55–70 GtCO2
per year by 2050. To reduce emissions to
levels commensurate with the internationally agreed
goal of keeping the temperature increase since pre-industrial times below 2°C, the share of low-carbon
electricity generation by 2050 will need to triple or
quadruple. Use of fossil fuels without carbon capture
would virtually disappear by 2100 at the latest. The
energy sector would be completely decarbonised,
and it is likely that technologies able to withdraw
from the atmosphere would need to be deployed.
Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage is one
such technology (BECCS).
Replacing existing coal-fired heat and/or power plants
by highly efficient natural gas combined cycle (NGCC)
power plants or combined heat and power (CHP)
plants can reduce near-term emissions (provided
that fugitive methane release is controlled) and be
a ‘bridging technology’ to a low-carbon economy.
Increased use of CHP plants can reduce emissions.
CCS, nuclear power and renewables provide low-carbon electricity, while increasing energy efficiency
and reducing final energy demand will reduce the
amount of supply-side mitigation needed. In 2012,
more than half of the net investment in the electricity
sector was in low-carbon technologies.
Nevertheless, a variety of barriers and risks to
accelerated investment exist, including cost.
Additional supply-side investments required to
meet the 2°C target are estimated at USD 190–900
billion per year on average up to 2050. Much of
this investment would yield co-benefits such as
reduced air and water pollution, and increased local
employment. But supply side mitigation typically
also carries risks.
Impacts of Climate Change
Three climate-change phenomena will have a particular impact on the energy
sector: global warming, changing regional weather patterns (including
hydrological patterns) and an increase in extreme weather events. Not only will
these phenomena affect energy demand, in some regions they will also affect
the entire spectrum of energy production and transmission. While most climate
change impacts are likely to be negative, there could be some positive impacts
such as lower energy demand in cold climates.
Rising temperatures coupled with
a growing world population and
economic growth will drive an
increase in overall demand for
energy. Rising income levels in
poorer countries in warm climates
are likely to lead to increased
use of air-conditioning. Global
energy demand for residential air-conditioning in summer is projected
to increase rapidly from nearly 300
TWh in 2000, to about 4000 TWh
in 2050. Much of this growth is due
to increasing income in emerging
market countries, but some is due
to climate change. Colder, richer
countries will see energy demand
for heating fall, but could still see
overall energy use increase.
Although thermal power plants
(currently providing about 80%
of global electricity) are designed
to operate under diverse climatic
conditions, they will be affected by
the decreasing efficiency of thermal
conversion as a result of rising
ambient temperatures. Also, in
many regions, decreasing volumes
of water available for cooling and
increasing water temperatures could
lead to reduced power operations,
operation at reduced capacity or
even temporary shutdowns.
Extreme weather events pose a
major threat to all power plants
but particularly to nuclear
plants, where they could disrupt
the functioning of critical
equipment and processes that are
indispensable to safe operation
including reactor vessels, cooling
equipment, control instruments and
back-up generators.
Changing regional weather patterns
are likely to affect the hydrologic
cycle that underpins hydropower
generation. In some regions, a
decline in rainfall levels and a
rise in temperature, leading to
increased water loss, could result
in reduced or more intermittent
ability to generate electricity.
Although projections contain large
uncertainties, hydropower capacity
in the Zambezi river basin in Africa
may fall by as much as 10% by 2030,
and 35% by 2050. On the other
hand, hydropower capacity in Asia
could increase.
Changing weather patterns and
extreme weather events present
challenges to solar and wind
energy. An anticipated increase
in cloudiness in some regions
would affect solar technologies,
while an increase in the number
and severity of storms could
damage equipment. Global
warming and changing weather
patterns are likely to adversely
impact agricultural yields,
with a knock-on effect on the
production and availability
of biomass for energy
generation. While there might
be some benefits in temperate
climates, the reduction in yields
in tropical areas is more likely
than not to exceed 5% by 2050.
In some rainy regions, open pits
in the coal industry are likely
to be impacted by increasing
rainfall leading to floods
and landslides.
Climate and weather related
hazards in the oil and gas
sector include tropical cyclones
with potentially severe effects
on offshore platforms and
onshore infrastructure, leading
to more frequent production
interruptions. However, the
decline in Arctic sea ice could
lead to the opening up of new
areas for oil and gas exploration,
potentially increasing global oil
and gas reserves.
Energy transmission
infrastructure, such as
pipelines and power lines,
is also likely to be affected
by higher temperatures and
extreme weather events.
Pipelines are at risk from sea-level rise in coastal regions,
thawing permafrost in cold
regions, floods and landslides
triggered by heavy rainfall, and
bushfires caused by heat waves
or extreme temperatures in
hot regions. Extreme weather
events, especially strong
wind, are projected to affect
power lines.
There are various options by which the energy
sector can improve its resilience to climate change.
A number of technological improvements are available for thermal power
plants which, if implemented, will bring efficiency gains that more than
compensate for losses due to higher ambient temperatures. Preventative
and protective measures for nuclear power plants include technical and
engineering solutions and adjusting operation to extreme conditions,
including reducing capacity or shutting down plants. Weather resistance
of solar technologies and wind power turbines continues to increase.
Coal mining companies can improve drainage and run-off for on-site
coal storage, as well as implementing changes in coal handling due to the
increased moisture content of coal. Pipeline operators may be forced to
follow new land zoning codes and to implement risk-based design and
construction standards for new pipelines, and structural upgrades to
existing infrastructure.
Technical standards for power transmission lines are likely to be amended
to force grid operators to implement appropriate adaptation measures,
including in some cases re-routing lines away from high-risk areas.
Authorities can plan for evolving demand needs for heating and cooling
by assessing the impact on the fuel mix. Heating often involves direct
burning of fossil fuels, whereas cooling is generally electrically powered.
More demand for cooling and less for heating will create a downward
pressure on direct fossil fuel use, but an upward pressure on demand
for electricity.
Mitigation Options
As the sector producing the largest share of GHG emissions, the energy sector would be
substantially affected by policies aimed at meeting the internationally agreed 2°C target
for global warming. A number of mature options exist that can, if scaled up, result in
substantial mitigation of the sector’s GHG emissions. However, the scale of the challenge
is considerable. Pathways compatible with the 2°C target typically envisage achieving
virtual decarbonisation of the energy supply at some point between 2050 and the end of
the century. It is likely that ‘negative emissions’ – technologies that absorb CO2
from the
atmosphere – will also be needed.
Options for mitigation include:
• Cutting emissions from fossil fuel extraction and conversion
• Switching to lower-carbon fuels, for example from coal to gas
• Improving energy efficiency in transmission and distribution
• Increasing use of renewable energy technologies
• Increasing use of nuclear energy
• Introduction of carbon capture and storage (CCS), and an extension into CCS plants
that use bioenergy crops (BECCS) as an approach to achieving ‘negative emissions’
• Reducing final energy demand.
Fuel extraction and
Conversion…Fuel switching…Increasing efficiency…Renewables…Nuclear energy…CCS and bioenergy…Reducing final energy demand…Co-benefits and risks…Policy…
Climate change will affect the entire energy sector, through impacts and
through policy. While the cost of mitigating emissions across all sectors
could reduce annual consumption growth by 0.04–0.14%, the scale of
the low-carbon transition and the opportunities for investment are likely
to be larger in the energy sector than in others. Additional investments
required in the energy system in order to keep the temperature increase
since pre-industrial times below 2°C are estimated to be USD 190–900
billion per year on the supply-side alone, although this investment
could realise important co-benefits for economies as a whole. However,
infrastructure tends to be used for at least 30 years once built; so decisions
made in the next couple of decades will be crucial in deciding whether the
energy sector leads the way towards or away from a 2°C future.
Scenarios project that a fundamental transformation will be necessary
if governments are to meet the globally agreed 2°C target. Generally,
these scenarios envisage three parallel processes: decarbonisation of the
electricity supply, expansion of the electricity supply into areas such as
home heating and transport that are currently fuelled in other ways, and
reduction in final energy demand. Much of the incremental investment
will be in developing countries where demand is growing at a faster rate
than in developed countries. The additional capital would be partly offset
by the lower operating costs of many low-GHG energy supply sources.
For government and regulators, a key challenge will be to ensure a price
of carbon that incentivises extra investment in low-carbon technologies,
continued investment in research and development, and an attractive
fiscal and regulatory framework.